
BirPurpose Enum


Enumerates the possible purpose for gathering the biometrics information.

public enum BirPurpose
type BirPurpose = 
Public Enum BirPurpose


Name Value Description
Unspecified 0

The purpose of the biometrics data is unspecified.

Verify 1

The biometrics data was gathered for verification purposes. Verification does not require the same level of quality as enrollment.

Identify 2

The biometrics data was gathered for comparison against other data.

Enroll 3

BIR was generated for Enrollment.

EnrollForVerificationOnly 4

The biometrics data was gathered for comparison against other data only.

EnrollForIdentificationOnly 5

The biometrics data was gathered for verification only. Verification does not require the same level of quality as enrollment.

Audit 6

The biometrics data was gathered for auditing purposes.

Applies to