
MqttV500ConnectReasonCode Enum


MQTT Connect Reason Codes These codes represent the reasons for the outcome of an MQTT CONNECT packet as per MQTT 5.0 specification.

public enum MqttV500ConnectReasonCode
type MqttV500ConnectReasonCode = 
Public Enum MqttV500ConnectReasonCode


Name Value Description
UnspecifiedError 128

0x80 - Unspecified error Description: The Server does not wish to reveal the reason for the failure, or none of the other Reason Codes apply.

MalformedPacket 129

0x81 - Malformed Packet Description: Data within the CONNECT packet could not be correctly parsed.

ProtocolError 130

0x82 - Protocol Error Description: Data in the CONNECT packet does not conform to this specification.

ImplementationSpecificError 131

0x83 - Implementation specific error Description: The CONNECT is valid but is not accepted by this Server.

UnsupportedProtocolVersion 132

0x84 - Unsupported Protocol Version Description: The Server does not support the version of the MQTT protocol requested by the Client.

ClientIdentifierNotValid 133

0x85 - Client Identifier not valid Description: The Client Identifier is a valid string but is not allowed by the Server.

BadUserNameOrPassword 134

0x86 - Bad User Name or Password Description: The Server does not accept the User Name or Password specified by the Client.

NotAuthorized 135

0x87 - Not authorized Description: The Client is not authorized to connect.

ServerUnavailable 136

0x88 - Server unavailable Description: The MQTT Server is not available.

ServerBusy 137

0x89 - Server busy Description: The Server is busy. Try again later.

Banned 138

0x8A - Banned Description: This Client has been banned by administrative action. Contact the server administrator.

BadAuthenticationMethod 140

0x8C - Bad authentication method Description: The authentication method is not supported or does not match the authentication method currently in use.

TopicNameInvalid 144

0x90 - Topic Name invalid Description: The Will Topic Name is not malformed, but is not accepted by this Server.

PacketTooLarge 149

0x95 - Packet too large Description: The CONNECT packet exceeded the maximum permissible size.

QuotaExceeded 151

0x97 - Quota exceeded Description: An implementation or administrative imposed limit has been exceeded.

PayloadFormatInvalid 153

0x99 - Payload format invalid Description: The Will Payload does not match the specified Payload Format Indicator.

RetainNotSupported 154

0x9A - Retain not supported Description: The Server does not support retained messages, and Will Retain was set to 1.

QosNotSupported 155

0x9B - QoS not supported Description: The Server does not support the QoS set in Will QoS.

UseAnotherServer 156

0x9C - Use another server Description: The Client should temporarily use another server.

ServerMoved 157

0x9D - Server moved Description: The Client should permanently use another server.

ConnectionRateExceeded 159

0x9F - Connection rate exceeded Description: The connection rate limit has been exceeded.

Applies to