
TvInputService.RecordingSession.NotifyRecordingStopped(Uri) Method


Informs the application that this recording session has stopped recording and created a new data entry in the TvContract.RecordedPrograms table that describes the newly recorded program.

[Android.Runtime.Register("notifyRecordingStopped", "(Landroid/net/Uri;)V", "GetNotifyRecordingStopped_Landroid_net_Uri_Handler", ApiSince=24)]
public virtual void NotifyRecordingStopped (Android.Net.Uri? recordedProgramUri);
[<Android.Runtime.Register("notifyRecordingStopped", "(Landroid/net/Uri;)V", "GetNotifyRecordingStopped_Landroid_net_Uri_Handler", ApiSince=24)>]
abstract member NotifyRecordingStopped : Android.Net.Uri -> unit
override this.NotifyRecordingStopped : Android.Net.Uri -> unit



The URI of the newly recorded program.



Informs the application that this recording session has stopped recording and created a new data entry in the TvContract.RecordedPrograms table that describes the newly recorded program.

The recording session must call this method in response to #onStopRecording(). The session may call it even before receiving a call to #onStopRecording() if a partially recorded program is available when there is an error.

Java documentation for android.media.tv.TvInputService.RecordingSession.notifyRecordingStopped(android.net.Uri).

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