
編譯器錯誤 C2327

'symbol': 不是類型名稱、靜態或列舉值


使用 /clr 編譯時,C2327 的常見原因是屬性名稱與屬性類型相同。

下列範例會產生 C2327:

// C2327.cpp
int x;
class enclose {
   int x;
   static int s;
   class inner {
      void f() {
         x = 1;   // C2327; enclose::x is not static
         s = 1;   // ok; enclose::s is static
         ::x = 1;   // ok; ::x refers to global

如果類型的名稱由成員的名稱隱藏,也可能會發生 C2327:

// C2327b.cpp
class X {};

class S {
   X X;
   // try the following line instead
   // X MyX;
   X other;   // C2327, rename member X

在此情況下,C2327 也可以引發,您必須完整指定 參數的數據類型:

// C2327c.cpp
// compile with: /c
struct A {};

struct B {
   int A;
   void f(A a) {   // C2327
   void f2(struct A a) {}   // OK

下列範例會產生 C2327:

// C2327d.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c
using namespace System;

namespace NA {
   public enum class E : Int32 {
      one = 1,
      two = 2,
      three = 3

   public ref class A {
      E m_e;
      property E E {
         NA::E get() {
            return m_e;
         // At set, compiler doesn't know whether E is get_E or
         // Enum E, therefore fully qualifying Enum E is necessary
         void set( E e ) {   // C2327
            // try the following line instead
            // void set(NA::E e) {
            m_e = e;


// C2327f.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c
public value class Address {};

public ref class Person {
   property Address Address {
      ::Address get() {
         return address;
      void set(Address addr) {   // C2327
      // try the following line instead
      // set(::Address addr) {
         address = addr;
   Address address;   // C2327
   // try the following line instead
   // ::Address address;