
Contacts Pro (Preview)

Contacts Pro is an advanced contacts management app for Microsoft Teams. This connector will allow you to manage existing contacts or create new ones.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name TeamsPro Support
URL https://www.teams-pro.com/en/contact-us/
Email teams-pro-help@witivio.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher Witivio
Website https://developer.teams-pro.com/
Privacy policy https://www.teams-pro.com/en/privacy-policy/
Categories Collaboration;Productivity

TeamsPro is a suite of Microsoft Teams apps that add more functionalities to Teams. Each app has a specific purpose and/or use case.

Contacts Pro is an advanced contacts management app for Microsoft Teams.

This connector will allow you to manage existing contacts or create new ones.


You will need the following to proceed:

  • A Contacts Pro Platinum subscription
  • A TeamsPro Graph API key
  • A Contacts Pro app installed in a channel on Microsoft Teams

How to get credentials

You can get your own API key from the TeamsPro Graph Portal.

Get started with your connector

You need to have a Platinum plan subscription for Contacts Pro to continue.

To buy a Platinum subscription for Contacts Pro go on the AdminCenter.

You can install Contacts Pro through this link.

Deployment instructions

Please use these instructions to deploy this connector as custom connector in Microsoft Power Automate and Power Apps.

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
TeamsPro Graph API Key securestring The subscription API key issued by TeamsPro Graph True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create a new contact

Create a new contact

Delete a contact

Delete a contact

Get a contact

Get a contact

Get all contacts

Get the list of all contacts

Update a contact

Update a contact

Create a new contact

Create a new contact


Name Key Required Type Description
Contact list ID
contactListId True uuid

The contact list unique identifier

name True string

The name or fullname (firstname and or lastname) of the contact

Group ID
groupId string

The group unique identifier which contact belongs if exists

jobTitle string

The job title of the contact

company string

The company name of the contact

Company department
department string

The department in the company of the contact

email email

The email of the contact

Website link
website string

The website link of the contact

LinkedIn profile
linkedin string

The LinkedIn profile link of the contact

Facebook profile
facebook string

The Facebook profile link of the contact

Twitter profile
twitter string

The Twitter profile link of the contact

Business phone
businessPhone string

The business number of the contact

Mobile phone
mobile string

The mobile number of the contact

Home phone
home string

The home number of the contact

Business fax
businessFax string

The business fax of the contact

fullAddress string

The full address

lat double

The latitude

lng double

The longitude

notes string

The notes of the contact


The contact


Delete a contact

Delete a contact


Name Key Required Type Description
Contact list ID
contactListId True uuid

The contact list unique identifier

Contact ID
contactId True uuid

The contact unique identifier

Get a contact

Get a contact


Name Key Required Type Description
Contact list ID
contactListId True uuid

The contact list unique identifier

Contact ID
contactId True uuid

The contact unique identifier


The contact


Get all contacts

Get the list of all contacts


Name Key Required Type Description
Contact list ID
contactListId True uuid

The contact list unique identifier


The list of contacts

array of Contact

Update a contact

Update a contact


Name Key Required Type Description
Contact list ID
contactListId True uuid

The contact list unique identifier

Contact ID
contactId True uuid

The contact unique identifier

name True string

The name of the contact

Group ID
groupId string

The group unique identifier which contact belongs if exists

jobTitle string

The job title of the contact

company string

The company name of the contact

Company department
department string

The department in the company of the contact

email email

The email of the contact

Website link
website string

The website link of the contact

LinkedIn profile
linkedin string

The LinkedIn profile link of the contact

Facebook profile
facebook string

The Facebook profile link of the contact

Twitter profile
twitter string

The Twitter profile link of the contact

Business phone
businessPhone string

The business number of the contact

Mobile phone
mobile string

The mobile number of the contact

Home phone
home string

The home number of the contact

Business fax
businessFax string

The business fax of the contact

fullAddress string

The full address

lat double

The latitude

lng double

The longitude

notes string

The notes of the contact


The contact




The address

Name Path Type Description
fullAddress string

The full address

lat double

The latitude

lng double

The longitude


The contact

Name Path Type Description
Contact list ID
contactListId uuid

The contact list unique identifier

id uuid

The unique identifier of the contact

name string

The name or fullname (firstname and or lastname) of the contact

Group ID
groupId string

The group unique identifier which contact belongs if exists

jobTitle string

The job title of the contact

company string

The company name of the contact

Company department
department string

The department in the company of the contact

internet Internet

The contact internet linked fields

phones PhoneNumber

The contact phone numbers

addresses array of Address

The list of addresses of the contact

notes string

The notes of the contact


The contact internet linked fields

Name Path Type Description
email email

The email of the contact

Website link
website string

The website link of the contact

LinkedIn profile
linkedin string

The LinkedIn profile link of the contact

Facebook profile
facebook string

The Facebook profile link of the contact

Twitter profile
twitter string

The Twitter profile link of the contact


The contact phone numbers

Name Path Type Description
Business phone
businessPhone string

The business number of the contact

Mobile phone
mobile string

The mobile number of the contact

Home phone
home string

The home number of the contact

Business fax
businessFax string

The business fax of the contact