

Overview of service

CDM standard entities


Name Description
ActivityParty Person or group associated with an activity. An activity can have multiple activity parties.
Case Service request case associated with a contract.
CaseResolution Special type of activity that includes description of the resolution, billing status, and the duration of the case.
ChildIncidentCount For internal use only.
Contract Agreement to provide customer service during a specified amount of time or number of cases.
ContractLine Line item in a contract that specifies the type of service a customer is entitled to.
Entitlement Defines the amount and type of support a customer should receive.
FacilityEquipment Resource that can be scheduled.
KnowledgeArticleIncident Association between an knowledge article and incident.
Resource User or facility/equipment that can be scheduled for a service.
ResourceExpansion Resource Expansions.
ResourceSpecification Selection rule that allows the scheduling engine to select a number of resources from a pool of resources. The rules can be associated with a service.
SchedulingGroup Resource group or team whose members can be scheduled for a service.
Service Activity that represents work done to satisfy a customer's need.
ServiceActivity Activity offered by the organization to satisfy its customer's needs. Each service activity includes date, time, duration, and required resources.
ServiceContractContact Item in a Service contract.
Site Location or branch office where an organization does business. An organization can have multiple sites.
SLAKPIInstance Service level agreement (SLA) key performance indicator (KPI) instance that is tracked for an individual case
Task Generic activity representing work needed to be done.
User Person with access to the Microsoft CRM system and who owns objects in the Microsoft CRM database.