

Overview of automotive

CDM Solution for the 'AUTOMOTIVE' CDS Solution


Name Description
AggregateKPI Type of KPIs that can be useful for tracking customer, device or business performance.
AggregateKPIContext Context of a given customer, device, business operation or user, in which a given aggregate KPI may be applicable and may have a given target value.
AggregateKPIMeasurement Measured value for a given aggregate KPI in a given context.
AttributeGroup Group of attribute types, for example representing dimensions, interior, exterior, environmental or other aspects of a device.
AttributeOption Available option for an attribute type that require its value to be selected from a list.
AttributeType Type of entry in a device specification, such as length, fuel type, color or any other property that characterizes a given device.
AutoLeadToOpportunitySalesProcess Base entity for process Auto Lead to Opportunity Sales Process
Business Legal entity or organization representing, for example, a national sales company, importer, distributor, dealer group or dealer in the ecosystem.
BusinessFacility Physical facility or building where a business runs operations.
BusinessOperation Operation run at a business facility, such as new car sales showroom, used car sales or service center.
BusinessOperationCustomerPreference Customer preference for a given type of business operation, such as preferred service center or rental depot.
BusinessType Type of business, such as national sales company, importer, distributor, dealer group or dealer.
ConfigurationCode Unique OEM code for a given combination of configuration options.
ConfigurationOption Configuration option included in devices with a given configuration code.
CustomerAttachment Document or file related to a given customer or deal file.
CustomerIdentifier Unique identifier for a customer, such as customer number or manufacturers ID.
CustomerIdentifierType Type of customer identifier, such as customer number or manufacturer ID.
Deal Business proposal for the sale of one or more vehicle or device, including optional trade-ins, add-ons and financial terms.
DealCustomer Customer associated with a given deal.
DealDevice Vehicle or device that is the subject of a deal, which may involve one or more vehicle or device.
DealDeviceAddOn Additional product or service offered with a given vehicle or device in a deal.
DealerPlate License plate applied temporarily to vehicles to provide services such as test drives.
DealerPlateDeviceAssignment Record of which dealer plates were used on which vehicle or device over time.
DealFile Container for deals relating to a given opportunity.
DealTerm Terms applicable a given type of deal.
DealType Type of deal, such as new car sales, used car sales, heavy equipment sales, and so on.
Device Physical piece of equipment of considerable value such as a vehicle or a device such as an excavator, that can be tracked through its entire life cycle of trade, ownership and service and may be related to one or more customers over time.
DeviceBrand Brand name of a vehicle or device manufacturer, main vendor for a group of devices or manufacturer or main vendor for supplier items.
DeviceClass Family of vehicles or devices for the specific brand provided by the manufacturer.
DeviceComponent Physical or logical part of a vehicle or device.
DeviceGeneration Specific period in the evolution of a device class over time.
DeviceInspection Record of inspections carried out on a given vehicle or device over time.
DeviceInspectionChecklist Specific checklist of a given type, such as a pre-delivery inspection or a checklist used for a specific type of service.
DeviceInspectionChecklistType Type of checklist, such as pre-delivery or service.
DeviceLicensePlate Record of license plates assigned to a given vehicle or device over time.
DeviceMeasure Specific measurable quantity related to a vehicle or device that is used to track usage over time, such as miles driven, engine hours or time since purchase.
DeviceMeasurement Record of usage measurements for a given vehicle or device over time.
DeviceMeter Usage meter attached to a specific vehicle or device, such as odometer or fuel gauge.
DeviceModel Sub-type of a device class, which may be identified by specific engine option, body styles and other common characteristics. Breaks down further into device model codes.
DeviceModelCode Specific configuration of a device, such as a vehicle of specific generation, body style, engine option and transmission.
DeviceObservation Important observation on the state of a given vehicle or device, typically resulting from an inspection.
DeviceObservationType Type of observation, indicating severity and nature of the observation and typically used for classification and filtering of observations.
DeviceRegistration Record of registrations of a specific vehicle or device to specific customers over time.
DeviceSensor Sensor attached to or as part of a vehicle or device. May provide signals of device health or usage.
DeviceState Describes state of a vehicle or device, such as New, Used or Scrapped.
DeviceStyle Distinctive form or type of vehicle or device such as sedan or station wagon car, wheeled or crawler excavator, and so on.
DeviceType Fundamental type of device, such as vehicle, truck, harvester, boat engine, and so on.
DeviceVariant Standard variant of a device model code, with special characteristics such as a specific OEM-fitted accessory package or being a limited edition.
DeviceWarranty Relationship indicating that a specific warranty applies to a specific vehicle or device.
DeviceWarrantyLimit Limits of a specific warranty on a specific vehicle or device, such as maximum mileage or specific expiration date.
FinancingOpportunity Financing opportunity associated with a specific vehicle or device included in a lead.
FinancingOpportunityDetail Type of payment that forms part of a financing opportunity.
Fleet Collection of devices belonging to a specific customer or business operation, typically serving a specific purpose.
FleetDevice Represents a vehicle or device as part of a specific fleet.
LeadDevice Vehicle or device that is the subject of a lead, which may involve one or more vehicles or devices.
LeadDeviceSpecification Loose description of a characteristic of a vehicle or device of interest in a lead.
LeadDisposition Record of activities performed to follow up and nurture a lead over time.
LeadDispositionActivity Specific activity that should be taken to follow up and nurture a lead.
LeadPriceType Type of price tag for a vehicle or device, such as MSRP, appraisal or asking price.
LeadProspect Contact associated with a given lead.
LeadSpecificationType Type of characteristic used to loosely describe a vehicle or device of interest in a lead.
OperationCode Standard operation performed during service, typically specified by the vehicle or device manufacturer.
OperationType Type of business operation, such as new car sales showroom, used car sales or service center.
SalesContract Contract involving the sale of one or more vehicle or device to a customer.
SalesContractDetail Vehicle or device included in a sales contract.
SalesContractPayment Payment made in accordance with a sales contract.
SalesContractTerm Terms applicable a given type of sales contract.
SalesContractType Type of sales contract, such as new car sales, used car sales, heavy equipment sales, and so on.
ServiceAppointment Record of service appointments for a specific vehicle or device over time.
ServiceAppointmentType Type of service appointment.
ServiceContract Contract involving the service of one or more vehicles or devices owned by a customer.
ServiceContractDetail Vehicle or device included in a service contract.
ServiceContractTerm Terms applicable a given type of service contract.
ServiceContractType Type of service contract.
ServiceOrder Service order for a specific vehicle or device.
ServiceOrderGroup Group of service orders.
ServiceOrderJob Job performed during the execution of a service order. A single service order may require one or more jobs to be completed.
ServiceOrderJobDetail Record of time, material or other information relating to the execution of a given service order job.
ServiceOrderJobType Type of service job that is performed frequently and should follow a standard procedure.
ServiceOrderType Type of service order.
Specification Specification of a vehicle or device with a given combination of configuration options and accessories.
SpecificationAccessory Optional accessories that are included on a vehicle or device with the given specification.
SpecificationAttribute Technical specifications are represented as a grouped list of attribute types that collectively describe key characteristics of a given vehicle or device.
TestDrive The physical experience a customer or prospect has of a vehicle or device prior to a possible purchase of same or similar one.
TradeIn Vehicle or device that a customer wants to use as part of payment buying another one (new or used).
Unit Types of measures such as Miles, Kilometres, Hours, Days or Months.
Warranty Contract between a vehicle or device manufacturer, importer, dealer and end customer, promising a certain quality level for a given amount of time or usage.
WarrantyLimit Limits to a specific warranty, such as maximum mileage or time until expiration.
WarrantyType Types of warranties, such as standard or extended.