OJ 銷售模擬
此資料集衍生自 Dominick 的 OJ 資料集,內含額外的模擬資料,旨在提供可在 Azure Machine Learning 上同時定型數千個模型的資料集。
Microsoft 依「現況」提供 Azure 開放資料集。 針對 貴用戶對資料集的使用方式,Microsoft 不提供任何明示或默示的擔保、保證或條件。 在 貴用戶當地法律允許的範圍內,針對因使用資料集而導致的任何直接性、衍生性、特殊性、間接性、附隨性或懲罰性損害或損失,Microsoft 概不承擔任何責任。
此資料集是根據 Microsoft 接收來源資料的原始條款所提供。 資料集可能包含源自 Microsoft 的資料。
該資料包含 121 週內每週的柳橙汁銷售額。 內含 3,991 間店家,每間店有三種柳橙汁品牌,以便訓練 11,973 個模型。
名稱 | 資料類型 | 唯一 | Values (sample) | 描述 |
廣告 | int | 1 | 值,指出該當週是否有柳橙汁廣告 0:沒有廣告 1:廣告 | |
品牌 | 字串 | dominicks tropicana | 柳橙汁品牌 | |
價格 | double | 2.6 2.09 | 柳橙汁的價格 (美元) | |
數量 | int | 10939 11638 | 該週售出的柳橙汁數量 | |
營收 | double | 38438.4 36036.0 | 該週的柳橙汁銷售額 (美元) | |
儲存 | int | 2658 1396 | 售出柳橙汁的店家數 | |
WeekStarting | timestamp | 1990-08-09 00:00:00 1992-02-20 00:00:00 | 指出銷售額所屬週次的日期 |
WeekStarting | 儲存 | 品牌 | 數量 | 廣告 | 價格 | 營收 |
10/1/1992 12:00:00 AM | 3571 | minute.maid | 13247 | 1 | 2.42 | 32057.74 |
10/1/1992 12:00:00 AM | 2999 | minute.maid | 18461 | 1 | 2.69 | 49660.09 |
10/1/1992 12:00:00 AM | 1198 | minute.maid | 13222 | 1 | 2.64 | 34906.08 |
10/1/1992 12:00:00 AM | 3916 | minute.maid | 12923 | 1 | 2.45 | 31661.35 |
10/1/1992 12:00:00 AM | 1688 | minute.maid | 9380 | 1 | 2.46 | 23074.8 |
10/1/1992 12:00:00 AM | 1040 | minute.maid | 18841 | 1 | 2.31 | 43522.71 |
10/1/1992 12:00:00 AM | 1938 | minute.maid | 14202 | 1 | 2.19 | 31102.38 |
10/1/1992 12:00:00 AM | 2405 | minute.maid | 16326 | 1 | 2.05 | 33468.3 |
10/1/1992 12:00:00 AM | 1,972 | minute.maid | 16380 | 1 | 2.12 | 34725.6 |
Azure Notebooks
from azureml.core.workspace import Workspace
ws = Workspace.from_config()
datastore = ws.get_default_datastore()
from azureml.opendatasets import OjSalesSimulated
從 Azure 開放資料集讀取資料
# Create a Data Directory in local path
import os
oj_sales_path = "oj_sales_data"
if not os.path.exists(oj_sales_path):
# Pull all of the data
oj_sales_files = OjSalesSimulated.get_file_dataset()
# or pull a subset of the data
oj_sales_files = OjSalesSimulated.get_file_dataset(num_files=10)
oj_sales_files.download(oj_sales_path, overwrite=True)
將個別資料集上傳至 Blob 儲存體
我們會將資料上傳至 Blob,並從這個 csv 檔案的資料夾建立 FileDataset。
target_path = 'oj_sales_data'
datastore.upload(src_dir = oj_sales_path,
target_path = target_path,
overwrite = True,
show_progress = True)
我們需要定義資料的路徑,以建立 FileDataset。
from azureml.core.dataset import Dataset
ds_name = 'oj_data'
path_on_datastore = datastore.path(target_path + '/')
input_ds = Dataset.File.from_files(path=path_on_datastore, validate=False)
registered_ds = input_ds.register(ws, ds_name, create_new_version=True)
named_ds = registered_ds.as_named_input(ds_name)
Azure Databricks
# This is a package in preview.
# You need to pip install azureml-opendatasets in Databricks cluster. https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/data-explorer/connect-from-databricks#install-the-python-library-on-your-azure-databricks-cluster
# Download or mount OJ Sales raw files Azure Machine Learning file datasets.
# This works only for Linux based compute. See https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/machine-learning/service/how-to-create-register-datasets to learn more about datasets.
from azureml.opendatasets import OjSalesSimulated
ojss_file = OjSalesSimulated.get_file_dataset()
# Download files to local storage
import os
import tempfile
mount_point = tempfile.mkdtemp()
ojss_file.download(mount_point, overwrite=True)
# Mount files. Useful when training job will run on a remote compute.
import gzip
import struct
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# load compressed OJ Sales Simulated gz files and return numpy arrays
def load_data(filename, label=False):
with gzip.open(filename) as gz:
n_items = struct.unpack('>I', gz.read(4))
if not label:
n_rows = struct.unpack('>I', gz.read(4))[0]
n_cols = struct.unpack('>I', gz.read(4))[0]
res = np.frombuffer(gz.read(n_items[0] * n_rows * n_cols), dtype=np.uint8)
res = res.reshape(n_items[0], n_rows * n_cols)
res = np.frombuffer(gz.read(n_items[0]), dtype=np.uint8)
res = res.reshape(n_items[0], 1)
return pd.DataFrame(res)
import sys
mount_point = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if sys.platform == 'linux':
print("start mounting....")
with ojss_file.mount(mount_point):
train_images_df = load_data(os.path.join(mount_point, 'train-tabular-oj-ubyte.gz'))