az sql server tde-key set --server-key-type AzureKeyVault
--auto-rotation-enabled true
[--kid] <keyVaultKeyId>
[--resource-group] <SQLDatabaseResourceGroupName>
[--server] <logicalServerName>
az sql mi tde-key set --server-key-type AzureKeyVault
--auto-rotation-enabled true
[--kid] <keyVaultKeyId>
[--resource-group] <ManagedInstanceGroupName>
[--managed-instance] <ManagedInstanceName>
# add the key from Key Vault to the secondary server
Add-AzSqlServerKeyVaultKey -KeyId <keyVaultKeyId> -ServerName <logicalServerName> -ResourceGroup <SQLDatabaseResourceGroupName>
# add the key from Key Vault to the primary server
Add-AzSqlServerKeyVaultKey -KeyId <keyVaultKeyId> -ServerName <logicalServerName> -ResourceGroup <SQLDatabaseResourceGroupName>
# add the new key from Key Vault to the server
Add-AzSqlServerKeyVaultKey -KeyId <keyVaultKeyId> -ServerName <logicalServerName> -ResourceGroup <SQLDatabaseResourceGroupName>
# set the key as the TDE protector for all resources under the server
Set-AzSqlServerTransparentDataEncryptionProtector -Type AzureKeyVault -KeyId <keyVaultKeyId> `
-ServerName <logicalServerName> -ResourceGroup <SQLDatabaseResourceGroupName>
# add the new key from Key Vault to the managed instance
Add-AzSqlInstanceKeyVaultKey -KeyId <keyVaultKeyId> -InstanceName <ManagedInstanceName> -ResourceGroup <ManagedInstanceResourceGroupName>
# set the key as the TDE protector for all resources under the managed instance
Set-AzSqlInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionProtector -Type AzureKeyVault -KeyId <keyVaultKeyId> `
-InstanceName <ManagedInstanceName> -ResourceGroup <ManagedInstanceResourceGroupName>
# add the new key from Key Vault to the server
az sql server key create --kid <keyVaultKeyId> --resource-group <SQLDatabaseResourceGroupName> --server <logicalServerName>
# set the key as the TDE protector for all resources under the server
az sql server tde-key set --server-key-type AzureKeyVault --kid <keyVaultKeyId> --resource-group <SQLDatabaseResourceGroupName> --server <logicalServerName>
# add the new key from Key Vault to the managed instance
az sql mi key create --kid <keyVaultKeyId> --resource-group <Managed InstanceResourceGroupName> --managed-instance <ManagedInstanceName>
# set the key as the TDE protector for all resources under the managed instance
az sql mi tde-key set --server-key-type AzureKeyVault --kid <keyVaultKeyId> --resource-group <ManagedInstanceResourceGroupName> --managed-instance <ManagedInstanceName>
az sql server tde-key set --server-key-type AzureKeyVault --kid <keyVaultKeyId> --resource-group <SQLDatabaseResourceGroupName> --server <logicalServerName>
將 TDE 保護裝置從 BYOK 模式切換為 Microsoft 管理模式:
az sql server tde-key set --server-key-type ServiceManaged --resource-group <SQLDatabaseResourceGroupName> --server <logicalServerName>
az sql mi tde-key set --server-key-type AzureKeyVault --kid <keyVaultKeyId> --resource-group <ManagedInstanceResourceGroupName> --managed-instance <ManagedInstanceName>
將 TDE 保護裝置從 BYOK 模式切換為 Microsoft 管理模式:
az sql mi tde-key set --server-key-type ServiceManaged --resource-group <ManagedInstanceResourceGroupName> --managed-instance <ManagedInstanceName>