
TSIIngress 數據表的查詢

如需在 Azure 入口網站 使用這些查詢的詳細資訊,請參閱Log Analytics教學課程。 如需 REST API,請參閱 查詢


擷取與事件來源連線失敗相關的最近 100 個記錄,並摘要說明它們以顯示記錄產生的時間(TimeGenerated)、高階描述(ResultDescription)、關於發生錯誤情況的訊息詳細數據,以及如何修正它(Message),以及事件來源的目前設定(EventSourceProperties)。

//Retrieves the most recent 100 logs pertaining to event source connection failures and summarizes them to display the time when the log was generated (TimeGenerated), a high level description (ResultDescription), a message continaing details on what went wrong and how to fix it (Message), and your event source's current configuration (EventSourceProperties). 
| where OperationName == 'Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments/eventsources/ingress/connect'
| project TimeGenerated, ResultDescription, Message, tostring(EventSourceProperties)
| top 100 by TimeGenerated desc

10 個最新的輸入記錄

顯示輸入類別中最近十個錯誤記錄。 這在熟悉 TSIIngress 架構時很有説明。

//Retrieves the most recent ten error logs in the Ingress category. This is helpful when getting familiar with the TSIIngress schema.
| top 10 by TimeGenerated


從失敗擷取最近 100 個錯誤記錄檔來還原串行化遙測訊息,並摘要說明它們以顯示產生記錄的時間(TimeGenerated)、高階描述(ResultDescription),以及具有還原串行化錯誤訊息的訊息(Message)。

//Retrieves the most recent 100 error logs from failures to deserialize telemetry message(s) and summarizes them to display the time when the log was generated (TimeGenerated), a high level description (ResultDescription), and a message with the deserialization error (Message).
| where OperationName == 'Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments/eventsources/ingress/deserialize'
| project TimeGenerated, ResultDescription, Message, tostring(EventSourceProperties)
| top 100 by TimeGenerated desc