import json
import datetime
from typing import Any, Callable, Set, Dict, List, Optional
def fetch_weather(location: str) -> str:
Fetches the weather information for the specified location.
:param location (str): The location to fetch weather for.
:return: Weather information as a JSON string.
:rtype: str
# In a real-world scenario, you'd integrate with a weather API.
# Here, we'll mock the response.
mock_weather_data = {"New York": "Sunny, 25°C", "London": "Cloudy, 18°C", "Tokyo": "Rainy, 22°C"}
weather = mock_weather_data.get(location, "Weather data not available for this location.")
weather_json = json.dumps({"weather": weather})
return weather_json
# Statically defined user functions for fast reference
user_functions: Set[Callable[..., Any]] = {
// Example of a function that defines no parameters
string GetUserFavoriteCity() => "Seattle, WA";
FunctionToolDefinition getUserFavoriteCityTool = new("getUserFavoriteCity", "Gets the user's favorite city.");
// Example of a function with a single required parameter
string GetCityNickname(string location) => location switch
"Seattle, WA" => "The Emerald City",
_ => throw new NotImplementedException(),
FunctionToolDefinition getCityNicknameTool = new(
name: "getCityNickname",
description: "Gets the nickname of a city, e.g. 'LA' for 'Los Angeles, CA'.",
parameters: BinaryData.FromObjectAsJson(
Type = "object",
Properties = new
Location = new
Type = "string",
Description = "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA",
Required = new[] { "location" },
new JsonSerializerOptions() { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase }));
ToolOutput GetResolvedToolOutput(RequiredToolCall toolCall)
if (toolCall is RequiredFunctionToolCall functionToolCall)
if (functionToolCall.Name == getUserFavoriteCityTool.Name)
return new ToolOutput(toolCall, GetUserFavoriteCity());
using JsonDocument argumentsJson = JsonDocument.Parse(functionToolCall.Arguments);
if (functionToolCall.Name == getCityNicknameTool.Name)
string locationArgument = argumentsJson.RootElement.GetProperty("location").GetString();
return new ToolOutput(toolCall, GetCityNickname(locationArgument));
return null;
import os
from import AIProjectClient
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from import FunctionTool, ToolSet
from user_functions import user_functions # user functions which can be found in a file.
# Create an Azure AI Client from a connection string, copied from your Azure AI Foundry project.
# It should be in the format "<HostName>;<AzureSubscriptionId>;<ResourceGroup>;<HubName>"
# Customers need to login to Azure subscription via Azure CLI and set the environment variables
project_client = AIProjectClient.from_connection_string(
# Initialize agent toolset with user functions
functions = FunctionTool(user_functions)
toolset = ToolSet()
// note: parallel function calling is only supported with newer models like gpt-4-1106-preview
Response<Agent> agentResponse = await client.CreateAgentAsync(
model: "gpt-4-1106-preview",
name: "SDK Test Agent - Functions",
instructions: "You are a weather bot. Use the provided functions to help answer questions. "
+ "Customize your responses to the user's preferences as much as possible and use friendly "
+ "nicknames for cities whenever possible.",
tools: new List<ToolDefinition> { getUserFavoriteCityTool, getCityNicknameTool, getCurrentWeatherAtLocationTool }
Agent agent = agentResponse.Value;
# Create agent with toolset and process a run
agent = project_client.agents.create_agent(
model="gpt-4o-mini", name="my-agent", instructions="You are a helpful agent", toolset=toolset
print(f"Created agent, ID: {}")
// note: parallel function calling is only supported with newer models like gpt-4-1106-preview
Response<Agent> agentResponse = await client.CreateAgentAsync(
model: "gpt-4o-mini",
name: "SDK Test Agent - Functions",
instructions: "You are a weather bot. Use the provided functions to help answer questions. "
+ "Customize your responses to the user's preferences as much as possible and use friendly "
+ "nicknames for cities whenever possible.",
tools: new List<ToolDefinition> { getUserFavoriteCityTool, getCityNicknameTool, getCurrentWeatherAtLocationTool }
Agent agent = agentResponse.Value;
# Create thread for communication
thread = project_client.agents.create_thread()
print(f"Created thread, ID: {}")
# Create message to thread
message = project_client.agents.create_message(,
content="Hello, send an email with the datetime and weather information in New York?",
print(f"Created message, ID: {}")
Response<AgentThread> threadResponse = await client.CreateThreadAsync();
AgentThread thread = threadResponse.Value;
Response<ThreadMessage> messageResponse = await client.CreateMessageAsync(
"What's the weather like in my favorite city?");
ThreadMessage message = messageResponse.Value;
# Create and process agent run in thread with tools
run = project_client.agents.create_and_process_run(,
print(f"Run finished with status: {run.status}")
if run.status == "failed":
print(f"Run failed: {run.last_error}")
# Delete the agent when done
print("Deleted agent")
# Fetch and log all messages
messages = project_client.agents.list_messages(
print(f"Messages: {messages}")
Response<ThreadRun> runResponse = await client.CreateRunAsync(thread, agent);
#region Snippet:FunctionsHandlePollingWithRequiredAction
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500));
runResponse = await client.GetRunAsync(thread.Id, runResponse.Value.Id);
if (runResponse.Value.Status == RunStatus.RequiresAction
&& runResponse.Value.RequiredAction is SubmitToolOutputsAction submitToolOutputsAction)
List<ToolOutput> toolOutputs = new();
foreach (RequiredToolCall toolCall in submitToolOutputsAction.ToolCalls)
runResponse = await client.SubmitToolOutputsToRunAsync(runResponse.Value, toolOutputs);
while (runResponse.Value.Status == RunStatus.Queued
|| runResponse.Value.Status == RunStatus.InProgress);
Response<PageableList<ThreadMessage>> afterRunMessagesResponse
= await client.GetMessagesAsync(thread.Id);
IReadOnlyList<ThreadMessage> messages = afterRunMessagesResponse.Value.Data;
// Note: messages iterate from newest to oldest, with the messages[0] being the most recent
foreach (ThreadMessage threadMessage in messages)
Console.Write($"{threadMessage.CreatedAt:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - {threadMessage.Role,10}: ");
foreach (MessageContent contentItem in threadMessage.ContentItems)
if (contentItem is MessageTextContent textItem)
else if (contentItem is MessageImageFileContent imageFileItem)
Console.Write($"<image from ID: {imageFileItem.FileId}");