如何:重新命名 Azure AD
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) 已重新命名為 Microsoft Entra ID,以更妥善地傳達產品的多重雲端、多平臺功能,並統一 Microsoft Entra 產品系列的命名。
在檔或內容中將 Azure AD 的實例變更為 Microsoft Entra ID 之前,請先熟悉 Azure AD 新名稱中的 指引,以:
- 瞭解產品名稱,以及我們為何進行變更
- 下載新產品圖示
- 取得未變更的名稱清單
- 取得更多常見問題的解答
稽核您的體驗,以尋找 Azure AD 及其圖示的參考。
掃描您的內容 ,以識別 Azure AD 及其同義字的參考。 編譯所有實例的詳細清單。
- 搜尋下列字詞:
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
、、Azure Active Directory
Azure AD
- 使用 Azure AD 圖示搜尋圖形 (
) 以 Microsoft Entra ID 圖示取代 ()
您可以在這裡下載 Microsoft Entra 識別碼圖示: Microsoft Entra 架構圖標
識別清單中的 例外狀況:
- 請勿進行重大變更。
- 請檢閱命名指引中的「哪些名稱未變更?」 一節,並記下哪些 Azure AD 術語未變更。
- 請勿變更 的
Active Directory
實例。 只有Azure Active Directory
重新命名,而不是Active Directory
,這是不同產品 Windows Server Active Directory 的縮短名稱。
根據未來的使用量 評估並排定優先順序。 請考慮哪些內容需要根據使用者面向或在您的組織、物件或客戶群中具有廣泛的可見度來更新。 如果某些程式碼或內容對終端使用者的暴露程度有限,您可能會決定不需要更新。
決定現有的日期內容,例如影片或部落格是否值得未來檢視者更新。 無法重新命名舊內容。 若要協助終端使用者,您可以新增免責聲明,例如「Azure AD 現在是 Microsoft Entra ID」。
使用 「find and replace」 來尋找字串
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
、、Azure Active Directory
、Azure AD
。請勿將所有實例取代為 Microsoft Entra ID。
- 單獨將 Azure AD 取代為產品名稱,應以 Microsoft Entra ID 取代。
- Azure AD 特性或功能會變成 Microsoft Entra 特性或功能。 例如,「Azure AD 條件式存取」會變成「Microsoft Entra 條件式存取」。
使用下列準則來判斷對 、 Azure Active Directory
Azure AD
實例 Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
、Azure Active Directory
、Azure AD
,請將 取代Microsoft Entra ID
為 ,因為這是產品名稱。如果
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
、、Azure AD
、Azure Active Directory
,請將 取代Microsoft Entra ID
為 ,因為它參考 SKU 名稱或服務方案。如果發行項 (
、 、 ) 或擁有性 (your
,your organization's
) 在 (Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
、Azure Active Directory
Azure AD
) 之前,請將 取代Microsoft Entra
為 ,因為它是特徵名稱。 例如:- 「Azure AD 租使用者」會變成「Microsoft Entra 租使用者」
- 「貴組織的 Azure AD 租使用者」會變成「您的 Microsoft Entra 租使用者」
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
、Azure Active Directory
、Azure AD
後面接著先前步驟中的形容詞或名詞,則以 取代Microsoft Entra
,因為它是功能名稱。 例如,Azure AD Conditional Access
變成Microsoft Entra Conditional Access
,而Azure AD tenant
會Microsoft Entra tenant
變成 。否則,請將 、
Azure Active Directory
、Azure AD
取代Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
為Microsoft Entra ID
請參閱更新術語 詞彙一節 ,以進一步精簡您的自訂邏輯。
- 將 Azure AD 圖示取代為 Microsoft Entra ID 圖示。
- 將包含
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
、Azure Active Directory
、Azure AD
的標題或文字取代為Microsoft Entra ID
範例 PowerShell 指令碼
您可以使用下列 PowerShell 腳本作為基準,在檔或內容中重新命名 Azure AD 參考。 此程式碼範例:
掃描指定資料夾和所有巢狀資料夾內的檔案。- 根據 Azure AD 的新名稱,以正確的術語 取代 、
Azure Active Directory
Azure AD
的任何參考Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
根據您的需求和您需要更新的檔案範圍編輯基準腳本。 您可能需要考慮邊緣案例,並根據您在來源檔案中定義訊息的方式修改腳本。 腳本未完全自動化。 如果您使用依目前方式使用的腳本,您必須檢閱輸出,而且可能需要進行其他調整,才能遵循 Azure AD 新名稱中的 指引。
# Define the old and new terminology
$terminology = @(
@{ Key = 'Azure AD External Identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra External ID' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Identity Governance'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID Governance' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Verifiable Credentials'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Verified ID' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Workload Identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Workload ID' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Domain Services'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Domain Services' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD access token authentication'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra access token authentication' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD admin center'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra admin center' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD portal'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra portal' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD application proxy'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra application proxy' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD authentication'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra authentication' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Conditional Access'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Conditional Access' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD cloud-only identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra cloud-only identities' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Connect'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Connect' },
@{ Key = 'AD Connect'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Connect' },
@{ Key = 'AD Connect Sync'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Connect Sync' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Connect Sync'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Connect Sync' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD domain'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra domain' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD domain'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra domain' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Domain Services'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Domain Services' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Enterprise Applications'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra enterprise applications' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD federation services'; Value = 'Active Directory Federation Services' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD hybrid identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra hybrid identities' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra identities' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD role'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra role' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID' },
@{ Key = 'AAD'; Value = 'ME-ID' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD auth'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra auth' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD-only auth'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra-only auth' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD object'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra object' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD identity'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra identity' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD schema'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra schema' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD seamless single sign-on'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra seamless single sign-on' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD self-service password reset'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra self-service password reset' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD SSPR'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra SSPR' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD domain'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra domain' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD group'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra group' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD login'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra login' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD managed'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra managed' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD entitlement'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra entitlement' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD access review'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra access review' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Identity Protection'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID Protection' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD pass-through'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra pass-through' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD password'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra password' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Privileged Identity Management'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Privilegd Identity Management' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD registered'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra registered' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD reporting and monitoring'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra reporting and monitoring' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD enterprise app'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra enterprise app' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD cloud-only identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra cloud-only identities' },
@{ Key = 'Cloud Knox'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Permissions Management' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Premium P1'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID P1' },
@{ Key = 'AD Premium P1'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID P1' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Premium P2'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID P2' },
@{ Key = 'AD Premium P2'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID P2' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD F2'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID F2' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD Free'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID Free' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD for education'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID for education' },
@{ Key = 'Azure AD work or school account'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra work or school account' },
@{ Key = 'federated with Azure AD'; Value = 'federated with Microsoft Entra' },
@{ Key = 'Hybrid Azure AD Join'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra hybrid join' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory External Identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra External ID' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Identity Governance'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID Governance' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Verifiable Credentials'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Verified ID' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Workload Identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Workload ID' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Domain Services'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Domain Services' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory access token authentication'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra access token authentication' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory admin center'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra admin center' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory portal'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra portal' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory application proxy'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra application proxy' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory authentication'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra authentication' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Conditional Access'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Conditional Access' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory cloud-only identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra cloud-only identities' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Connect'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Connect' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Connect Sync'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Connect Sync' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory domain'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra domain' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory domain'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra domain' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Domain Services'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Domain Services' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Enterprise Applications'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra enterprise applications' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory federation services'; Value = 'Active Directory Federation Services' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory hybrid identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra hybrid identities' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra identities' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory role'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra role' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory auth'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra auth' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory-only auth'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra-only auth' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory object'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra object' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory identity'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra identity' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory schema'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra schema' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory seamless single sign-on'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra seamless single sign-on' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory self-service password reset'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra self-service password reset' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory SSPR'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra SSPR' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory SSPR'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra SSPR' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory domain'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra domain' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory group'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra group' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory login'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra login' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory managed'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra managed' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory entitlement'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra entitlement' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory access review'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra access review' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Identity Protection'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID Protection' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory pass-through'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra pass-through' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory password'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra password' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Privileged Identity Management'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Privilegd Identity Management' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory registered'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra registered' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory reporting and monitoring'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra reporting and monitoring' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory enterprise app'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra enterprise app' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory cloud-only identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra cloud-only identities' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Premium P1'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID P1' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Premium P2'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID P2' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory F2'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID F2' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory Free'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID Free' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory for education'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID for education' },
@{ Key = 'Azure Active Directory work or school account'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra work or school account' },
@{ Key = 'federated with Azure Active Directory'; Value = 'federated with Microsoft Entra' },
@{ Key = 'Hybrid Azure Active Directory Join'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra hybrid join' },
@{ Key = 'AAD External Identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra External ID' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Identity Governance'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID Governance' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Verifiable Credentials'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Verified ID' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Workload Identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Workload ID' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Domain Services'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Domain Services' },
@{ Key = 'AAD access token authentication'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra access token authentication' },
@{ Key = 'AAD admin center'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra admin center' },
@{ Key = 'AAD portal'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra portal' },
@{ Key = 'AAD application proxy'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra application proxy' },
@{ Key = 'AAD authentication'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra authentication' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Conditional Access'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Conditional Access' },
@{ Key = 'AAD cloud-only identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra cloud-only identities' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Connect'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Connect' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Connect Sync'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Connect Sync' },
@{ Key = 'AAD domain'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra domain' },
@{ Key = 'AAD domain'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra domain' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Domain Services'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Domain Services' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Enterprise Applications'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra enterprise applications' },
@{ Key = 'AAD federation services'; Value = 'Active Directory Federation Services' },
@{ Key = 'AAD hybrid identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra hybrid identities' },
@{ Key = 'AAD identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra identities' },
@{ Key = 'AAD role'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra role' },
@{ Key = 'AAD'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID' },
@{ Key = 'AAD auth'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra auth' },
@{ Key = 'AAD-only auth'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra-only auth' },
@{ Key = 'AAD object'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra object' },
@{ Key = 'AAD identity'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra identity' },
@{ Key = 'AAD schema'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra schema' },
@{ Key = 'AAD seamless single sign-on'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra seamless single sign-on' },
@{ Key = 'AAD self-service password reset'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra self-service password reset' },
@{ Key = 'AAD SSPR'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra SSPR' },
@{ Key = 'AAD SSPR'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra SSPR' },
@{ Key = 'AAD domain'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra domain' },
@{ Key = 'AAD group'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra group' },
@{ Key = 'AAD login'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra login' },
@{ Key = 'AAD managed'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra managed' },
@{ Key = 'AAD entitlement'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra entitlement' },
@{ Key = 'AAD access review'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra access review' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Identity Protection'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID Protection' },
@{ Key = 'AAD pass-through'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra pass-through' },
@{ Key = 'AAD password'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra password' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Privileged Identity Management'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Privilegd Identity Management' },
@{ Key = 'AAD registered'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra registered' },
@{ Key = 'AAD reporting and monitoring'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra reporting and monitoring' },
@{ Key = 'AAD enterprise app'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra enterprise app' },
@{ Key = 'AAD cloud-only identities'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra cloud-only identities' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Premium P1'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID P1' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Premium P2'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID P2' },
@{ Key = 'AAD F2'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID F2' },
@{ Key = 'AAD Free'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID Free' },
@{ Key = 'AAD for education'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra ID for education' },
@{ Key = 'AAD work or school account'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra work or school account' },
@{ Key = 'federated with AAD'; Value = 'federated with Microsoft Entra' },
@{ Key = 'Hybrid AAD Join'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra hybrid join' }
$postTransforms = @(
@{ Key = 'Microsoft Entra ID B2C'; Value = 'Azure AD B2C' },
@{ Key = 'Microsoft Entra ID B2B'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra B2B' },
@{ Key = 'ME-ID B2C'; Value = 'AAD B2C' },
@{ Key = 'ME-ID B2B'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra B2B' },
@{ Key = 'ME-IDSTS'; Value = 'AADSTS' },
@{ Key = 'ME-ID Connect'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra Connect' }
@{ Key = 'Microsoft Entra ID tenant'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra tenant' }
@{ Key = 'Microsoft Entra ID organization'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra tenant' }
@{ Key = 'Microsoft Entra ID account'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra account' }
@{ Key = 'Microsoft Entra ID resources'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra resources' }
@{ Key = 'Microsoft Entra ID admin'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra admin' }
@{ Key = ' an Microsoft Entra'; Value = ' a Microsoft Entra' }
@{ Key = '>An Microsoft Entra'; Value = '>A Microsoft Entra' }
@{ Key = ' an ME-ID'; Value = ' a ME-ID' }
@{ Key = '>An ME-ID'; Value = '>A ME-ID' }
@{ Key = 'Microsoft Entra ID administration portal'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra administration portal' }
@{ Key = 'Microsoft Entra ID Advanced Threat'; Value = 'Azure Advanced Threat' }
@{ Key = 'Entra ID hybrid join'; Value = 'Entra hybrid join' }
@{ Key = 'Microsoft Entra ID join'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra join' }
@{ Key = 'ME-ID join'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra join' }
@{ Key = 'Microsoft Entra ID service principal'; Value = 'Microsoft Entra service principal' }
@{ Key = 'Download Microsoft Entra Connector'; Value = 'Download connector' }
@{ Key = 'Microsoft Microsoft'; Value = 'Microsoft' }
# Sort the replacements by the length of the keys in descending order
$terminology = $terminology.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property { $_.Key.Length } -Descending
$postTransforms = $postTransforms.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property { $_.Key.Length } -Descending
# Get all resx files in the current directory and its subdirectories, ignoring .gitignored files.
Write-Host "Getting all resx files in the current directory and its subdirectories, ignoring .gitignored files."
$gitIgnoreFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter .gitignore -Recurse
$targetFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path . -Include *.resx -Recurse
$filteredFiles = @()
foreach ($file in $targetFiles) {
$ignoreFile = $gitIgnoreFiles | Where-Object { $_.DirectoryName -eq $file.DirectoryName }
if ($ignoreFile) {
$excludedPatterns = Get-Content $ignoreFile.FullName | Select-String -Pattern '^(?!#).*' | ForEach-Object { $_.Line }
if ($excludedPatterns -notcontains $file.Name) {
$filteredFiles += $file
else {
$filteredFiles += $file
$scriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$filteredFiles = $filteredFiles | Where-Object { $_.FullName -ne $scriptPath }
# This command will get all the files with the extensions .resx in the current directory and its subdirectories, and then filter out those that match the patterns in the .gitignore file. The Resolve-Path cmdlet will find the full path of the .gitignore file, and the Get-Content cmdlet will read its content as a single string. The -notmatch operator will compare the full name of each file with the .gitignore content using regular expressions, and return only those that do not match.
Write-Host "Found $($filteredFiles.Count) files."
function Update-Terminology {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
foreach ($item in $Terminology.GetEnumerator()) {
$old = [regex]::Escape($item.Key)
$new = $item.Value
$toReplace = '(?<!(name=\"[^$]{1,100}|https?://aka.ms/[a-z0-9/-]{1,100}))' + $($old)
# Replace the old terminology with the new one
$Content.Value = $Content.Value -replace $toReplace, $new
# Loop through each file
foreach ($file in $filteredFiles) {
# Read the content of the file
$content = Get-Content $file.FullName
Write-Host "Processing $file"
Update-Terminology -Content ([ref]$content) -Terminology $terminology
Update-Terminology -Content ([ref]$content) -Terminology $postTransforms
$newContent = $content -join "`n"
if ($newContent -ne (Get-Content $file.FullName -Raw)) {
Write-Host "Updating $file"
# Write the updated content back to the file
Set-Content -Path $file.FullName -Value $newContent
為了協助您的客戶進行轉換,請新增附注:「Azure Active Directory 現在是 Microsoft Entra ID」,或追蹤第一年「先前為 Azure Active Directory」的新名稱。