復原是使用特殊的修復開機機取代裝置上的系統軟體,而非雲端更新的程式。 復原程式會清除 Flash 的內容、取代系統軟體,以及重新開機裝置。 因此,應用程式軟體和組態資料,包括 Wi-Fi 認證,都會從裝置上清除。 復原之後,您必須恢復認證 (如果有) ,並重新將裝置連線到網際網路。
只有在 Microsoft 指示下,才執行復原程式。 只有當雲端更新無法使用時,才需要復原。
確定您的裝置已透過 USB 連接到您的電腦。
執行 az 球形裝置復原 命令:
az sphere device recover
Downloading recovery images... Download complete. Starting device recovery. Please note that this may take up to 10 minutes. Board found. Sending recovery bootloader. Erasing flash. Sending 16 images. (5558148 bytes to send) Sent 1 of 16 images. (5527016 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 2 of 16 images. (5411124 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 3 of 16 images. (5410732 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 4 of 16 images. (5123332 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 5 of 16 images. (5106976 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 6 of 16 images. (5074876 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 7 of 16 images. (2508048 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 8 of 16 images. (820260 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 9 of 16 images. (795684 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 10 of 16 images. (680784 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 11 of 16 images. (152180 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 12 of 16 images. (78240 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 13 of 16 images. (41164 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 14 of 16 images. (32768 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 15 of 16 images. (16384 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Sent 16 of 16 images. (0 of 5558148 bytes remaining) Finished writing images; rebooting board. Using selected capability file 'fieldservicing-218bef7c.cap'. Device ID: 6a06x8x8cxdxa8ed4223a267656cxd59x99a0ced693a2446884a236d925aaaex9axdd0550438595658addc66723x32decx5494x7a20d067c6c8x77a6020c9a46 Device recovered successfully.
若要繼續使用您的裝置進行開發,請執行 az 球形裝置啟用開發 ,以重新啟用應用程式側載和偵錯。
若要將裝置重新連線到 Wi-Fi,請更換裝置上的 Wi-Fi 認證 。