
The Ultimate Visual Studio Tips and Tricks Blog

by Zain Naboulsi

Visual Studio 11 Roadshow Materials

      We are almost done with our Visual Studio 11 Roadshow so I wanted to make the...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/24/2012

Product Features Comparison and MSDN Products by Benefit Level

Ever wonder if Windows 3.1 comes with your MSDN subscription? Okay maybe not but it WOULD be nice to...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/12/2012

Visual Studio 11 Beta is Here!!

If you haven’t heard yet, yesterday we shipped the latest installment of our IDE....

Author: zainnab Date: 03/01/2012

Visual Studio 11 Beta arrives on February 29, 2012

  In case you haven’t heard, Visual Studio 11 Beta will be available on the 29th.  I’ll...

Author: zainnab Date: 02/23/2012

Chaotic Moon’s Board of Awesomeness: Kinect Is Your Friend

  What's red, goes 32MPH, and is controlled by a wave of your hand?    It's the...

Author: zainnab Date: 02/22/2012

Surround with a Code Snippet (C# Only)

Keyboard:  CTRL + K, CTRL + S Menu:  Edit | IntelliSense | Surround With Command: ...

Author: zainnab Date: 12/14/2011

Greatest Hits: Using the New IntelliSense - Pascal Case

Keyboard:  CTRL + J  Menu:  Edit | IntelliSense | List Members Command: ...

Author: zainnab Date: 12/06/2011

Greatest Hits: Using Visual Studio 2010 IntelliSense with Keywords

Keyboard:  CTRL + J Menu:  Edit –> IntelliSense –> List Members Command: ...

Author: zainnab Date: 11/30/2011

Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview: Multiple / Floating Tab Wells

Versions: Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview     Make sure to get your copy of the new...

Author: zainnab Date: 11/29/2011

O’Reilly / MS Press Cyber Monday Ebook Deal

  Now that I’m published the marketing folks send me all kinds of stuff on book specials. ...

Author: zainnab Date: 11/28/2011

Greatest Hits: Make IntelliSense Transparent

Keyboard:  CTRL Versions:  2008,2010 Published:  10/17/2010 Code:  vstipEdit0077...

Author: zainnab Date: 11/16/2011

Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview: Preview Tab

[ NOTE: This post has been depricated. The new, updated post can be found here:...

Author: zainnab Date: 11/15/2011

Docking External Document Windows

Windows:  CTRL + Double Click on Title Bar Menu:   Window | Dock As Tabbed Document...

Author: zainnab Date: 11/10/2011

Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview - Project Backward Compatibility (Round-Tripping)

[ NOTE: This post has been depricated. The new, updated post can be found here:...

Author: zainnab Date: 11/08/2011

Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview: Quick Launch

[NOTE: This post has been depricated you can find the new post here:...

Author: zainnab Date: 09/29/2011

Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview: Visual Basic (VB) Call Hierarchy

Hey folks! Well Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview is here and the Visual Studio team has asked me...

Author: zainnab Date: 09/27/2011

Windows 8: Under the Hood

I know I normally stick to Visual Studio topics but thought I would throw in some Windows 8...

Author: zainnab Date: 09/12/2011

Coding Faster: Getting More Productive with Microsoft Visual Studio -- Getting the Appendix

Folks I just wanted to call it out since the book doesn’t really emphasize it as much as I...

Author: zainnab Date: 09/07/2011

Visual Studio vNext Performance Enhancements

Continuing on our odyssey of exploring the features in vNext, I thought we would look at some of the...

Author: zainnab Date: 09/06/2011

Visual Studio vNext IDE Enhancements

=== Quick Housekeeping Note: I’ve deprecated the old Visual Studio Tips extension and have...

Author: zainnab Date: 09/01/2011

Static Code Analysis – Understanding the Predefined Rules

SKU: Premium, Ultimate Versions: 2010 Code: vstipTool0140     In vstipTool139 (“Static...

Author: zainnab Date: 08/25/2011

Static Code Analysis (aka FxCop) – Simple Code Analysis

SKU: Premium, Ultimate Versions: 2008, 2010 Code: vstipTool0139   In my extensive travels with...

Author: zainnab Date: 08/23/2011

Code Metrics: Working with Columns

Windows: Alt, V, M (press several times), Enter Menu: View | Other Windows | Code Metrics Results...

Author: zainnab Date: 08/18/2011

Code Metrics – Creating Work Items from Code Metrics Results

Windows: Alt, V, M (press several times), Enter Menu: View | Other Windows | Code Metrics Results...

Author: zainnab Date: 08/16/2011

Code Metrics: Code Metrics Results Exporting

Windows: Alt, V, M (press several times), Enter Menu: View | Other Windows | Code Metrics Results...

Author: zainnab Date: 08/11/2011

Code Metrics – Code Metrics Results Filtering

Windows: Alt, V, M (press several times), Enter Menu: View | Other Windows | Code Metrics Results...

Author: zainnab Date: 08/09/2011

FY12 Plans and The Almost Nearly Last Book Update for Now

Well folks, vacation is over for most of us and it’s time to get back to work. As most of you...

Author: zainnab Date: 08/03/2011

Extended Blog Vacation

Folks, I’ve decided to extend my blog-cation until August since that is when the book will be...

Author: zainnab Date: 07/05/2011

Visual Studio Toolbox with Robert Green

I just ran into Robert Green’s videos the other day and was very impressed. He does a great...

Author: zainnab Date: 06/22/2011

BizSpark / Windows Phone 7 Application Contest for Startup Companies

Do you have a startup company? Are you focused on Mobile Solutions using Windows Phone? My...

Author: zainnab Date: 06/17/2011

Kinect SDK Beta is Now Available!

https://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/projects/kinectsdk/about.aspx For those that...

Author: zainnab Date: 06/16/2011

Debugger Canvas and Code Bubbles

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/devlabs/debuggercanvas   My good friend, Clint Edmonson, sent...

Author: zainnab Date: 06/15/2011

Book Update and Vacation

I just got an update on the expected date for the book and thought I would let you all know. Right...

Author: zainnab Date: 06/09/2011

Tips and Tricks Greatest Hits Webcasts

My good friend, Brian Madsen, over at the LinkedIn .NET User Group has asked me to do a couple of...

Author: zainnab Date: 05/31/2011

The Experiment: Give Me Your Thoughts

  All,   As you probably noticed the last five posts have been a departure from the...

Author: zainnab Date: 05/27/2011

Code Metrics – Maintainability Index

SKU: Premium, Ultimate Versions: 2008, 2010 Code: vstipTool0134   At long last it is time to...

Author: zainnab Date: 05/26/2011

Code Metrics – Class Coupling

SKU: Premium, Ultimate Versions: 2008, 2010 Code: vstipTool0133     As we continue looking...

Author: zainnab Date: 05/25/2011

Book Update

Hey folks just wanted to give you all an update on the book as I’ve had tons of people asking....

Author: zainnab Date: 05/23/2011

Code Metrics – Depth of Inheritance (DIT)

SKU: Premium, Ultimate Versions: 2008, 2010 Code: vstipTool0132   Continuing our examination of...

Author: zainnab Date: 05/19/2011

Code Metrics – Cyclomatic Complexity

SKU: Premium, Ultimate Versions: 2008, 2010 Code: vstipTool0131   When working with code...

Author: zainnab Date: 05/17/2011

Windows Phone 7 Unleashed Hackathon in Atlanta -- Monday, May 16th

  Whether you are attending TechEd or are just in the Atlanta area and want to get some serious...

Author: zainnab Date: 05/15/2011

Code Metrics – Lines of Code

SKU: Premium, Ultimate Versions: 2008, 2010 Code: vstipTool0130 [updated 5/15/2011: NASA has...

Author: zainnab Date: 05/12/2011

Code Metrics – Calculating Metrics

Windows: Alt, N, M (selected projects); Alt, N, L (solution); Alt, V, E, M, M, M, Enter (results)...

Author: zainnab Date: 05/10/2011

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