
Are you ready to move to Private Cloud?

Often the question that comes up during my presentations or while talking with customers is: why should I move to a private cloud? Instead of answering this question, we usually show the “evolution of the data center” and how the traditional operational mode that was done in the past is not effective for today’s needs.


If you look the benefits of each one, it will be easy to notice that the Private Cloud (in this case using IaaS as example) has much more advantages, better scalability and it’s more efficient for the current business needs. If you are still not sure about that, one easy way to find out if your company is ready or not to make this move, is to use the the Microsoft Customer Assessment Tool for Private Cloud.


In four steps this tool will assist you to make a decision about moving to a private cloud or not. This is done by leveraging your knowledge about your business needs, company’s goals and the plan to achieve those goals. It is very worth to take a look on this tool if you are unsure about this move.