
How to collect Winsock (AFD) logging for Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1 and Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, and 2012 R2

Applies to:

Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows 8.1

Windows Server 2012

Windows 8.0

Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows 7

Windows Server 2008

Windows Vista


When troubleshooting an application that is having network issues, you might be asked to collect Winsock (AFD) traces, in parallel to a Network Trace, and IPconfig.txt.


Starting in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, we added an Event Trace for Windows (ETW) provider for Winsock (AFD).

ETW provider: Microsoft-Windows-Winsock-AFD

ETW provider GUID: E53C6823-7BB8-44BB-90DC-3F86090D48A6


You might want to capture a Winsock (AFD) trace in order to try troubleshooting the issue you are experiencing.

There are 4 out of 6 methods to collect this information:


Method 1: Enable AFD logging using the perfmon GUI

Note: The benefit, it’s built-in to the O.S.

1. Open Perfmon

2. On the left under “Data Collector Sets”

3. Right-Click “Startup Event Trace Sessions”

4. Choose “New”->”Data Collector Set”

5. Type “Winsock-AFD” and click Next

6. Click Add

7. Wait for the dialog to populate and choose “Microsoft-Windows-Winsock-AFD” and click ok

8. In the Properties Dialog select each item and click edit

9. Enable all check boxes and for the level type 4

10. It will look something like the following.


11. Click Next and specify the path to save the data

12. Click Finish

13. Right-Click Winsock-AFD and choose “Start as Event Trace Session”

14. <Reproduce the issue.>

15. On the left under “Data Collector Sets”

16. Click “Event Trace Sessions”

17. Right-Click Winsock-AFD and choose “Stop”

18. This will produce a Winsock-AFD.etl file


Method 2: Enable AFD logging using the perfmon command line (logman.exe)

Note: The benefit, it’s built-in to the O.S.

1. Start, CMD (Run As Admin)

2. C:

3. MD c:\logfile

4. CD c:\logfile

5. Logman.exe start Winsock-AFD -p Microsoft-Windows-Winsock-AFD 0x800001000000007f win:Verbose -bs 64 -nb 256 256 -max 1024 -mode circular -o c:\logfile -ets

6. Note: -p <provider> [flags or keywords] [level]

7. <Reproduce the issue>

8. Logman.exe stop Winsock-AFD


Method 3: Enable AFD logging using xperf.exe (a part of the Windows Performance Toolkit).

Note:  You could download the latest version as of when this blog was posted here: WPT: Updated version of “Windows Performance Toolkit” from Windows 10 Technical Preview ADK or SDK

Note: The benefit, if you want to get a matching kernel xperf, you can combine this command.


1. Start, CMD (Run As Admin)

2. C:

3. MD c:\logfile

4. CD c:\logfile

5. xperf -start Winsock-AFD -on Microsoft-Windows-Winsock-AFD:0x800001000000007f:0x5: 'stack ' -BufferSize 64 -MinBuffers 256 -MaxBuffers 256 -MaxFile 1024 -FileMode Circular -f c:\PreMerge_Winsock-AFD_%ComputerName%.etl

Note: -on <provider> [flags or keywords] [level]

6. <Reproduce the issue>

7. xperf -stop Winsock-AFD -d c:\logfile\Winsock-AFD_%ComputerName%.etl


Method 4: Enable AFD logging using “WPRUI or WPR”

One of these days, as time permits.


Method 5: Enable AFD logging using “Message Analyzer”

One of these days, as time permits.


Method 6: Enable AFD logging using Tracelog.exe (a part of the Windows Development Kit (WDK, used to be known as the Windows “Driver Development Kit” (DDK)).

Note: The benefit, it has the most options.

1. Open an elevated command prompt.

2. Create a folder off the root of C: called “Logfile”

3. Run the command “tracelog -start Winsock-AFD -guid #E53C6823-7BB8-44BB-90DC-3F86090D48A6 -flags 0x800001000000007f -level 5 -b 64 -min 256 -max 256 -cir 1024 -f c:\logfile\Winsock-AFD_OutPutLogFile_%ComputerName%.log” and press enter.

4. Reproduce the issue.

5. Type “tracelog -stop” and press Enter

6. Grab the logfile from c:\logfile\Winsock-AFD_OutPutLogFile_%ComputerName%.log”

Note:  The default location of the logfile is C:\Windows\System32\logfiles\


Additional data that you want to collect: (Not optional)

Collect IPconfig /all

1. Click Start

2. Click Run

3. Type CMD and press enter

4. Type “IPconfig /all > c:\logfile\ipconfig.txt” and press enter

5. Close the command prompt

You will also want to gather a Network trace on this machine so that you or we can correlate the timing of the issue to the log file.


Additional data that you want to collect: (Optional, if you don’t want to connect the dots)

  • Perfmon

Setting a remote perfmon Windows Server 2012 style...


  • WPRUI/WPR/Xperf

WPT: WPR/Xperf: Capture high cpu, disk i/o, file, registry, networking, Private bytes, Virtual bytes, Paged Pool/Nonpaged pool and/or application slowness.


Zip up all the data.


Yong Rhee




Event Tracing for Windows and Network Monitor
