
WCF Custom Channel Ecosystem

Back in January, a few of us on the WCF team kicked off a side project dubbed "the channel ecosystem project". The goal is to create a community and an ecosystem around WCF custom channels. The first step was to make it easier for developers to build custom channels. To do this we decided to provide detailed documentation, samples, and a couple of tools. We've been creating this content over the last 3 - 4 months as a part-time effort next to our full-time jobs. Thanks to the hard work of many people, the content is now in a state where it can be shared with the world as a pre-release to solicit feedback. It's been published on windowscommunication.net. The samples are also linked from the samples gallery.
We want to hear your feedback on this content as well as what else you'd like to see to help you build custom channels. Send feedback to ces at microsoft.com.