
Today's Webcast - Migrating from ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 2.0

Today, at 9AM PST, I will be doing a webcast on Migrating from ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 2.0.  This session only has a couple slides and lots of demos... so check it out.  I'll be covering a lot of the "stuff" that has changed or is new for us developer types in ASP.NET 2.0.  The ASP.NET team has done a really nice job of making our jobs a lot easier.

You can sign up for the webcast here: https://www.microsoft.com/events/EventDetails.aspx?CMTYSvcSource=MSCOMMedia&Params=%7eCMTYDataSvcParams%5e%7earg+Name%3d%22ID%22+Value%3d%221032276781%22%2f%5e%7earg+Name%3d%22ProviderID%22+Value%3d%22A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C%22%2f%5e%7earg+Name%3d%22lang%22+Value%3d%22en%22%2f%5e%7earg+Name%3d%22cr%22+Value%3d%22US%22%2f%5e%7esParams%5e%7e%2fsParams%5e%7e%2fCMTYDataSvcParams%5e

Wow... another big URL.  I love these things.  Anyway, it'll take right to the registration page.

Lastly, here is the "Mobile Detector" control that I will be showing in the last demo... https://www.wjsteele.com/mobiletester.zip.  Go ahead, download it and use it... it's free. ;-)



  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2005
    Great News