
My presentation in Lansing and GrandRapids.

So... this week, I'm in Michigan, doing events in Lansing and Grand Rapids.  We're talking about Advancded Windows Forms development, ASP.NET Troubleshooting and Visual Studio Team System.  This is one fantastic session!

To sign up, go to https://www.msdnevents.com.



  • Anonymous
    February 23, 2005
    Everyone want's to know where I got the videos for my sessions... so here they are:

    Muppets: http://www.buzolich.com/sarablog/Manamana.wmv

    Fries: http://www.punchbaby.com/media/gitfakt/clips/funny/Fries.wmv

    Office Space: http://www.iandavids.com/movieClips/film/officespacewars.wmv

    Have fun!

  • Anonymous
    February 24, 2005
    Thanks again for all the information and posting the clips
  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2005
  • Anonymous
    February 25, 2005
    Your presentation in GR was very informative. VS 2005 looks fantastic! And the videos were icing on the cake. Thanks!
  • Anonymous
    February 27, 2005
    Always an informative presentation.
    Thanks ... and thanks for the 'freekin french fries' (ROTFL) link.
  • Anonymous
    February 28, 2005
    Hi Bill,

    I am still very disappointed in not being able to attend (having looked forward to it for two months)! I was summoned to a facility that had been severely hacked. I did capture the intruder's IP address, personal web site, 20 separate tools, and detailed files recording intruder activity. I provided the client with intruder's photograph and a list of 15 other compromised servers. Looks like we will get more business with them... Does Microsoft have a unit that examines submitted forensic samples?

    I'd drive to Indianapolis for Thursday's session, but now must get other clients caught up. When will the code samples, slide decks, etc. be available?

    Jim McQuaid

  • Anonymous
    March 10, 2005

    Saw you again here in Grand Rapids. Good presentation as always. Thanks for the manamana link. :)

    Dropped by looking for the slide decks and code samples, particularly the info on protecting from SQL injection attacks and the info on tracing on the server.

    Looking forward to your webcast series on Team Foundation Server. I'm sure you'll let us know when!

    -- Mike