
Harrisburg and Philadelphia MSDN Events!

Well, I'm in Harrisburg, PA.  Flew over here in YellowBird... took about 4.5 hours... fun flight - had to wait on Gas in a little airport because the guy had just went to lunch, with the keys to the pump.  Anyway, I'm here to give the MSDN Presentation and introduce our new DCC for this region, Ken LeFebvre (the “vre“ is silent in his last name.)  We're presenting on InfoPath SP1 and Visual Studio.NET 2005, ASP.NET Custom Controls and ASP.NET 2.0.  I'm going to let him do the ASP.NET 2.0 stuff.

On Thrusday, I'll be in Philadelphia, and I should be back home for my events next week in Lousiville and Cincinnati.

As a bonus, since I've never been here, I'll end a little early and do a couple of my “famous” hacking demos... that should be a real crowd pleaser.
