
Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry brings Windows 8.1 innovations to industry devices

Posted By Cuong Pham
Product Manager, Windows Embedded

Microsoft announced this week that Windows 8.1 will become generally available on October 18. At Windows Embedded, we’re excited to be a part of that announcement, as we continue to extend the power of Windows to industry devices. Building on the aligned release schedule first announced in June during the Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Release Preview, on October 18 we will also deliver updates to Windows Embedded 8 to our embedded OEMs.

Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry brings the latest Windows 8.1 innovations to industry devices:

  • Enhanced security through improvements in malware resistance, out-of-the box device encryption and biometrics;
  • Deeper lockdown control withcustomizable scenarios, configuration and new ability to lockdown USB peripheral and hardware button;
  • Expanded peripheral capabilities enabling support for magnetic stripe readers and barcode scanners in Windows 8.1 apps;
  • Better manageability through enhanced enterprise connectivity and integration, new management scenarios with System Center, and updated Remote Desktop Protocol;
  • Updated user experience including user interface improvements, updated charms, improved multi-monitor support and Internet Explorer 11;
  • Improved connectivity and mobility with roaming enhancements, Bluetooth 4.0 support, and near-field communication printer support.

To preview the capabilities and innovations in Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry and Windows Embedded 8.1 Pro, download the public preview and evaluate how this modern platform will enable your next intelligent system-ready industry device.