
Sunday Surprise – Azure Cosmos DB | A Database from outside this world



Welcome everyone to our Sunday's surprise blog post. It’s been an awesome week with Microsoft Build happening and some amazing new announcements coming. There is something that amazes me more. One of my favorite announcement of build was Microsoft introducing Azure Cosmos DB, it is a DB from outside of the world. Well you might be thinking that how’s that possible? Let’s discuss about it,

talking about Cosmos DB’s key capabilities, it has

  • Globally distributed (Turnkey global distribution)

You have got a solution which is distributed around the world? It might be an e-commerce solutions a SaaS solutions may be. With it your application is instantly available to your users everywhere without any hassle of worrying about hardware, VMs or cores. Just click and done your data is there. It’s one of the unique feature that would help big business accommodate their users in a very effective manner.

  • Multi-model, multi - API support

Are you serious? YES! Azure Cosmos DB natively supports multiple data models including documents, key-value, graph and column-family. With it Cosmos DB’s database engine supports DocumentDB SQL, MongoDB, Azure Tables and even Gremlin.


  • Scale to any need (Horizontal scaling of storage and throughput)

Cosmos DB is designed to let you elastically scale throughput based on the application traffic patterns across different geographical regions. You can provision throughput on Cosmos DB container at both container per-second and request unit per minute granularities.

  • Comprehensive SLAs
    • Throughput: 99.99% of the request complete successfully.
    • Availability: 99.99%
    • Latency: 99.99% of <10 ms latencies 99 percent of times.
    • Consistency: 100# of read requests will meet the consistency for the consistency level requested by you.

With it if I say that Cosmos DB is a DB from outside this world and a future cloud db it won’t be wrong because with feature enlisted above and ad database with low cost of ownership it’s going to make a huge impact.


But here on Microsoft TechNet wiki we support you with some amazing wiki articles. I expect you guys try Cosmos db and come up with some amazing wiki articles because we love to highlight your effort you put in Microsoft TechNet wiki ninja. With it I would like to leave you guys with official documentation of Cosmos DB.


I hope you liked it, will come up with another surprise, another day. Happy Sunday!



Wiki Ninja – Saad Mahmood

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  • Anonymous
    September 08, 2017
    Thank you for your sharing.