
June 2017 TechNet Wiki Guru Winners!

All the votes are in!  


And below are the results for the TechNet Guru Awards, June 2017 !!!!


The TechNet Guru Awards celebrate the technical articles on TechNet, contributed from valued wiki authors like YOU!

Each month, the contributions are scored by a panel of judges (5 per category, 2-3 in each are MS experts), and the winners of each category are showered with love and attention from all corners of TechNet.

See the links at the bottom, to find out more about the competition and how to enter.


We have picked the top three highest scored contributions for each category to bestow our awards upon.

The awards are in gold, silver and bronze, the gold obviously being the top winner of the category.

The last column is just a few of the comments judges made during the judging process.

In some cases, we have not obtained permission to use the judges names, so they have been reduced to initials.


My fellow wiki ninjas will be digging deeper into some of these articles in this blog series, so watch out for those.

Starting this month you will notice some articles are marked as failing to meet our minimum bar for quality or content.

Any of our judges can exercise their right to veto an article, if they do not feel it meets minimum requirements for a medal.

When this is the case, we will at least give an indication of the reason, so you understand why.


A big thank you also to the other authors who did not make the top three of each category.

Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.

 asp.net Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  HansamaliGamage ASP.NET Core : Advanced JQuery dialog actions Sabah Shariq: "Excellent article and Good format! with details step by step."Jeff Fritz: "Lengthy article to show how to demonstrate how to configure jQuery dialog actions. Too many images of code, would have preferred more inline code. Image of the confirmation dialog is too small to see the dialog"Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Great write up , nicely explained, good use of images."SYEDSHANU: "Great article with step by step explanations"Khanna Gaurav: "Using jquery dialog for confirm is a great option. Code is very easy to understand. Images and reference links are also very helpful."
Silver Award Winner  RajeeshMenoth Session State In ASP.NET Core And MVC Core SYEDSHANU: "Nice post and good to see the source code download is available."Sabah Shariq: "Nice article and well explained."Jeff Fritz: "Article feels clumsy and does not demonstrate realistic usage of session in ASP.NET Core. The features demonstrated should be added as an extension to the User object. English is not great, and the code for the razor view at the end is missing."Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Short write up but nicely explained Session State."


 Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  Kjetil Tonstad Data Platform - Tools of the Trade Tomaž Kaštrun: "Very nice overview and collection of available tools for establishing data connections to different SQL sources."Lasse Wedø: "An excellent collection of tools, really useful!"Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "Well written article."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "In the words of the article this is a "handy and beneficial" list of tools. Well written and Highly Recommended to read. Well done Kjetil !"Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Excellent article! Very well explained."Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Good write up, good use of wiki instructions"Kia Zhi Tang: "Nice share of tools out there. It will be good to have external link in Reference section and other related Wiki article links in the See Also section."Eric Berg: "Well done. Thank you."
Silver Award Winner  PriyaranjanKS Invoke Azure Functions Using Github Webhook Dileepa Kariyawasam: "Excellent article! Well written."Eric Berg: "Great article. Thank you"Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Well defined and practical use of Azure functions. A great write up using step-by-step approach."Kia Zhi Tang: "Great share of knowledge. It will be best to include a Reference section and See Also section."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Very nice Step-by-step tutorial. Simple to follow and well explained. The article is missing a "see also" section. References and links to read more can improve the article considerably, especially in articles that focus on practical demo, where the readers should have simple option to get some more theoretical information."Tomaž Kaštrun: "A walk-through Azure functions in order to get Github event - webhook."Lasse Wedø: "Needs a better structure. The text disappears in-between pictures."


 Miscellaneous Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  Chervine   Microsoft Bot Framework Basics: Building Intelligent Bots – Adding Bing News API (Part 3) Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Short but worth to read write up."Diederik Krols: "Very well explained."
Silver Award Winner  M.Qassas Dive into Visual Studio 2017 Diederik Krols: "An absolute must-read."Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Well explained write up, it covered almost all features as per its title dive into Visual Studio 2017."Lasse Wedø: "Needs better structure, removing images or resizing them could improve the impression"
Bronze Award Winner  Radhakrishnan Govindan Exchange: How does Autodiscover Service work? Diederik Krols: "Nice overview."Lasse Wedø: "Really old topic, excessive use of images. Would be better with a clean up of redundant information. Do we really need to se images from the client?"RjButt: "It needs a bit more detail on how autodiscover works. It doesn't match with the heading of the article."Gaurav Kumar Arora: "lot of images, less explanation, but nice write up. More explanation would make write up more worthful."


 SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  PriyaranjanKS SharePoint Online : Simulate SharePoint Timer Jobs and Event Receivers using Azure Functions and SharePoint Webhooks Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "Really nice article! Great job!"Ashutosh Singh: "A very good and informative article :)"John Naguib: "Excellent, well done, Thanks for this important wiki."Tiago Costa: "Very cool article, loved it!!!"
Silver Award Winner  M.Qassas PowerShell Script to Configure Project Server 2016 Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "complete project server 2016 configuration script - love it! It should be part of some autospinstaller :) GREAT JOB!"Ashutosh Singh: "A good utility script"John Naguib: "Excellent, thanks a lot for this."Tiago Costa: "Interesting article."
Bronze Award Winner  taylor.l PowerShell Script to Configure SharePoint Content Types Columns Roman Nedzelsky, MVP: "the highlights should be done in some better formation, this is not notes from the meeting, but article. However the content is good"John Naguib: "Very nice, thanks for sharing."Tiago Costa: "Nice article, but simple."


 Small Basic Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  Nonki Takahashi Small Basic: Program Testing SYEDSHANU: "Useful post which explains about testing for Small Basic.Thanks for sharing Nonki Takahashi"


 SQL BI and Power BI Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  PriyaranjanKS Generate Power BI reports from data in JSON file Visakh16: "A step by step walkthrough of how JSON can be used as a source for Power BI. Some reference links would help starters."Sam Lester: "Nice walk-through and screenshots for each step. One potential enhancement could be to show the M code from the Advanced Editor to match the M/Power Query code with each step performed in the UI. Great work!"Tomaž Kaštrun: "A nice and quick walk-through on how to use JSON data with Power BI."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Very nice Step-by-step tutorial. The article is very well explained. The JSON data file, which is mentioned in the article, is not available to download or to copy, which is something that could help to follow the tutorial in practice. In addition the article is missing a "see also" section with references and links to read more. very good tutorial in general. Well done!"


 SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  Mohsin_A_Khan Understanding Minimal Logging Under Bulk-Logged Recovery Model vs. Logging in Truncate Operation in SQL Server Diederik Krols: "Absolute top article."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Great article! well written and well formatted. It's important topic, which raise a lot in the forums, and the article brings good info. The article's demo based on pre-existing database named "sample", but I did not find any option to get the source database, which make it hard to follow the demo in practice. I highly recommend to add a link to download the source database "sample"."
Silver Award Winner  M.Vignesh Automatic Daily Database Backup To Specific Database In SQL Server Diederik Krols: "Well done. It would be nice to give the steps a title and not just a number."Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Nice article. Thanks for sharing it. With that being said, the article does not fit the TechNet Wiki rules, as it includes external images which are not uploaded to the TechNet Wiki storage. It is VERY important to upload all the images that are used in the article to the same interface."
Bronze Award Winner  Mohsin_A_Khan Options For Monitoring Transactional Replication in SQL Server Ronen Ariely (aka pituach) : "Excellent article. Well written and well formatted."Diederik Krols: "Great read."


 Transact-SQL Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  okwow123 Capture database deadlock by xevent & job alerts and send email to you! Tomaž Kaštrun: "Article to use XE for tracking deadlocks. I would suggest to add the deadlock example at the end to show users how XE is capturing deadlocks. Before setting dba email, enable execute sp_configure 'Database Mail XPs',1."Diederik Krols: "Thanks for the article. I think it needs a bit more text and explanation, but the scripts are very complete."Richard Mueller: "Great code examples. We could use a "See Also" and "Other Resources" or "References" sections."


 Universal Windows Apps Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  Nourdine MHOUMADI Universal Windows Application : Play a video from YouTube  Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: "A good one."SYEDSHANU: "Nice Post and explains in details about playing a YouTube video using UWP."Diederik Krols: "Well explained. Great choice of topic."
Silver Award Winner  Azat Tazayan Debug Console window for UWP apps Diederik Krols: "Nice article, thanks."SYEDSHANU: "More explanations needed with sample programs."
Bronze Award Winner  Nourdine MHOUMADI How to make ListView scroll vertically with horizontal enabled swipe in Universal Windows Apps? SYEDSHANU: "Simple and useful post."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

 Visual Basic Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  .paul. _ VB2017 - Image Arrow Pointers V2.0 SYEDSHANU: "Great post as usual Paul..I like your creativity and hardwork for developing VB.Net applications."Richard Mueller: "Great use of Wiki guidelines. I liked the code. A great idea. A "See Also" and "Other Resources" or "References" would help."
Silver Award Winner  Radhakrishnan Govindan Server reachable and Services Check for Bulk Servers SYEDSHANU: "TechNet Wiki link is missing.More explanations needed for the article."Richard Mueller: "Not a TechNet Wiki!!"
Bronze Award Winner  .paul. _ VB2017 - Numbers Game SYEDSHANU: "One more nice post for VB.Net by Paul,Thanks for sharing."Richard Mueller: "Fantastic game. A great example of what can be done. A "See Also" and "Other Resources" or "References" would help."

Also worth a mention were the other entries this month:

 Visual C# Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  chilberto Entity Framework DB Migrations - Functions and Constraints Diederik Krols: "Great article. It would be nice to add a sample scenario (T-SQL or C#) just before the summary showing some inserts followed by a constraint violation message."Khanna Gaurav: "Nice article."Gaurav Kumar Arora: "Short but worth to read write up"Jaliya Udagedara: "Good article. Would have been great if DBMigration.Sql() is explained a bit more."


 Windows PowerShell Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  PriyaranjanKS Invoke Azure PowerShell Runbook using Webhooks and Windows PowerShell Kia Zhi Tang: "Nice article with screenshot walkthrough. Thank you for sharing. It will be great to have Reference section to Azure and PowerShell documentations and a See Also section for other Azure Runbooks related Wiki Articles."Richard Mueller: "A great explanation with good detail that helps a lot. A "See Also" and "Other Resources" or "References" would help."Adam Fowler: "Great screenshots and description. Is there a better way than hard coding the password in this?"
Silver Award Winner  Radhakrishnan Govindan Windows CA Backup Automation Adam Fowler: "Key fundamental thing that should be done - great to see automation and publication of this."Kia Zhi Tang: "Sorry, this is not a Wiki Article."Richard Mueller: "Not a TechNet Wiki!!"


 Windows Server Technical Guru - June 2017 
Gold Award Winner  M.Qassas Windows Server 2016: Expand Virtual Machine Hard Disk & Extend the Operating System Drive Mark Parris: "Good insight into expanding and extending disk's in Windows Server 2016."Kia Zhi Tang: "Great effort in providing the walk-through. It will be great if the See Also section just contains other related Wiki articles."Richard Mueller: "Great use of Wiki guidelines, which made the difference for me in a close competition in this category this month."Eric Berg: "Thank you for this work. I realy like the GIF-Animations...this makes everything more clear. It would be good to know what is the background of this issue...is this specific to VMware Workstation? Or does it also matches for Hyper-V scenarios?"
Silver Award Winner  Bijith AP Group Policy: Basic troubleshooting steps for beginners Mark Parris: "A good foundation to learning GPO troubleshooting."Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan: ""Kia Zhi Tang: "Good effort. It will be great to have a Table of Content with Headings to format the Wiki Article. Try to provide a conclusion, add a Reference section for external links and a See Also section for other related Wiki articles."Richard Mueller: "A good tutorial for troubleshooting GPs."Eric Berg: "Thank you for your work. Good article....but a bit more structure would help reading it."
Bronze Award Winner  Bijith AP Certificate Autoenrollment Eric Berg: "good article...but a bit more structure would help while reading"Richard Mueller: "Great to explain all of the requirements in detail. A "See Also" and "Other Resources" or "References" would help."Mark Parris: "A nice nugget on Auto Enrollment for certificates."Kia Zhi Tang: "Good effort. It will be great to have a Table of Content with Headings to format the Wiki Article. Try to provide a conclusion, add a Reference section for external links and a See Also section for other related Wiki articles."

A huge thank you to EVERYONE who contributed an article to June's competition.

Hopefully we will see you ALL again in July 2017's listings?


If you haven't contributed an article for this month, and you think you can create a more useful, clever and better presented wiki article than the winners above, here's your chance! :D

Best regards,
Pete Laker

  Azure/Community MVP   IoT & widget lover


More about the TechNet Guru Awards:


  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2017
    Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who contributed. Thanks to all the judges for volunteering your time in making selections and writing the comments.
  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2017
    Congrats to all the Winners.
  • Anonymous
    July 24, 2017
    Thanks for your feedback, and congrats to all the winners :-)
  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2017
    Congrats to all Winners
  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2017
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2017
    congratulations to all the winners.. Could comments and it really helps me to post correctly hereinafter.. thanks you all the judges.
  • Anonymous
    July 25, 2017
    Congrats to All winners.
  • Anonymous
    July 26, 2017
    Congrats to all contributors ! Thank You for the feedback Judges.
  • Anonymous
    July 26, 2017
    Congrats to all the winners!
  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2017
    Congrats to all winners!
  • Anonymous
    July 30, 2017
    Simply desire to say your article is as astounding. The clearness in your post is just excellent and i can assume you are an expert on this subject. Well with your permission allow me to grab your RSS feed to keep updated with forthcoming post.Thanks a million and please carry on the gratifying work.
  • Anonymous
    August 02, 2017
    Congrats to all the winners :) Thank you for sharing Pete
  • Anonymous
    August 14, 2017
    Congrats to all the winners ? Thank you for sharing Pete. Waiting to see results for July Month!
  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2017
    So special Pharrell Khyung.... ?
    • Anonymous
      August 21, 2017
      Hi Pyithalinn, How did you created the icon?Does anyone know where I can find a list of all the Icon available?I only remember how to smile here :-)
      • Anonymous
        August 21, 2017
        ⭐ With the help of Gaurav Aroraa ⭐I got a list of icons that should work 8-)
  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2017
    Congratulations to all the winners, keep it up ⭐