HOWTO: Attatch .ics, .mht files with CDOSYS/System.Web.Mail
Note: By setting the ContentMediaType property of the attatchment body part object to "text/html", you should be able to
properly attatch most any type of file. This includes .mht, .ics, etc.
// Attatch needed files. // TODO: Change this section or comment-out
String sFile = @"C:\dev\mapi\test.mht"; // File to attatch
oBP = oMsg.AddAttachment(sFile,"",""); // Do Attatchment
oBP.ContentMediaType = "text/html"; // Set ContentMediaType - mht files need this setting.
You may find that attachments need to be UU Encoded uner .NET. Below is an example of VB.NET code (System.Web.Mail).
Dim oAttch As MailAttachment
oAttch = New MailAttachment(SendFilesPath, MailEncoding.UUEncode)