
A Moment of Silence, Please

Per’s already been busy on his new blog..

Up until a few months ago, we had someone on our team who did the Master and MCA marketing for the last two years, and did a great job with it. Today, her mother passed away after some longer term health struggles, which after looking like they were trending up, took the now obvious tragic turn.

All the best to you and yours from the entire team; our thoughts are with you. I know you've been through a lot, and have no doubt that with time we'll see that radiant smile of yours again.


Per, Adrian, Greg, Walter, James and Ken...and hundreds of others.

Count me as one of the “hundreds of others.” I’d like to add my voice to those of Per’s team, and wish our grieving colleague well in a very difficult time.

On a day filled with bad news, this was undoubtedly the worst. It’s certainly been a day of monotonically deepening reality checks.. friends losing jobs.. friends losing parents..

Count your blessings, gentle reader, and be sure to regard with compassion and love those who tonight might think their lists a few pages light. There but for the grace of our deities of choice go we.

Tomorrow just has to be a better day..
