
Error “Setup failed on component WIC installer"

While trying to install .Net framework 3.0, we get an error “Setup failed on component WIC installer" and in the dd_WIC.txt log we see the following


.093: GetGroupIdFromPidGenDll:LoadLibrary failed for C:\WINDOWS\system32\pidgen.dll dll

0.093: CheckSystem_1203: Failed to get product build type.

0.093: DoInstallation: CheckSystem Failed: 0xf117

0.093: WIC installation did not complete.

0.093: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf117

0.093: Update.exe return code was masked to 0x643 for MSI custom action compliance.

We found that the pidgin.dll was missing from the machine. Hence sent the pidgin.dll from my machine and saved it under the patch c:\windows\system32. Now framework 3.0 installed successfully

Content by: Dhathri P

Reviewed by: Soumitra Mondal


  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2011
    i'm trying to install wic for net framwework but there's an error message  updateupdate.exe is not a valid WIn32 application... please help