
New version of the Upgrade Readiness deployment script (version 1.8) is now available

On April 6, 2017, we released a new version (version 1.8) of the Upgrade Readiness Deployment script. This article explains the changes to the new script. You can find the latest script on the Microsoft Download Center.


Issue 1: Validating the Commercial ID

The commercial ID is used to uniquely identify your company and map your user computers to your workspace in OMS. This is one of the required parameters you need to edit in the Runconfig.bat file before running the deployment script. The latest scripts checks and validates the commercial ID value that is specified in the Runconfig.bat file and returns an error if the value in the parameter is not valid.

To find the commercial ID in your OMS workspaces, open the Upgrade Readiness solution. The commercial ID can be found on the Settings page.


Issue 2: Minimum appraiser version

As of this release, the script checks to see if the latest update (March update) of the compatibility KB has been installed and will return an error message. To get to the latest release of the compatibility KBs, got to the Deploy the compatibility update and related KBs article. Choose the KB for the OS version to get to the Microsoft Update Catalog site. You should see the most recent update for March. You can also get the update from Windows Update.


Issue 3: Exit codes not reported correctly System center configuration manager (SCCM).

Currently, if the script is deployed using SCCM, SCCM returns an exit code of 0 even if the deployment script exited with an exit code other than 0. This version of the script fixes this and SCCM will now return the same exit code as the one returned by the deployment script.

Issue 4: Bug fix for WinHttp proxy settings

When you set the proxy using: Netsh winhttp set proxy <proxy server>:<port> , the previous version of the script failed during the connectivity check. With version 1.8, this issue has been fixed.