
Ask the Expert publicity opportunity for Small Business Specialists

Our small business customer marketing team asked me to share the enclosed - thanks to Paul for his support of Ask the Expert in July:

"Everyday tasks maintenance tasks don't necessarily have the same whizzy appeal as a new technology solution, but for our small business customers any advice on how to reduce costs and extend the lifetime of their technology is a real bonus. The Ask the Expert article series provides this advice to small business customers and these articles are publicised via the Smart Business newsletter, blog and other social media.

The July Ask the Expert article focused on low-cost ways to protect and maintain your computer, and was produced by Paul Broadwidth, Managing Director and Founder of Blue Ivy Limited, a Microsoft Small Business Specialist providing IT services to organisations throughout the Highlands - from its office in Wick, Caithness.

The small business customer marketing team are keen to publish similar contributions. If you have any hints and tips you'd like to share, or perhaps a brief article to offer, please email (v-madehu@microsoft.com) the Smart Business editor with your ideas."