
600% rise in UK consumers taking action against software pirates

We’ve just issued a new press release which has found:

- 600% increase in the number of UK consumers reporting incidents where they had unknowingly been sold counterfeit software.

- Many of the reports contained evidence that as well as being counterfeit, the software purchased was also riddled with viruses and malware.

- The increase is due to an influx of online traders being caught red handed by UK consumers after they used Microsoft technology to detect they had been duped into buying counterfeit software.

- In response, Microsoft has launched “Consumer Action Day”, a global initiative aimed at educating consumers on the risks of counterfeit software while taking action against traders who attempt to dupe consumers into believing they’re getting the real deal. As part of this initiative, Microsoft has announced settlements with four UK retailers which have all admitted to selling customers illegal software in the last six months.

See some media coverage here: https://www.pcr-online.biz/news/32851/Microsoft-says-piracy-is-catastrophic-for-the-channel