
UK public sector working as a network: How to transform with enterprise social

Join us for morning inspiration with an afternoon Unconference. Meet and learn from a network of like minded public sector colleagues from across Local and Central Government. Together we'll explore how Enterprise Social is helping transform the Civil Service and the delivery of public services.

As Nick Matthews describes here, one of the ways we can hack our path to a more transparent, collaborative, dynamic and responsive civil service is to put a lot of focus on how we go on a journey towards that new culture by 'working as a network'.

On Monday 3rd Feb we will dive into making Enterprise Social a success. Sign up HERE.

Feel free to join for the full day or just the morning/afternoon.


  • Dave Coplin - Chief Envisioning Officer, Microsoft UK
  • Matt Partovi - Worldwide Design Lead - Customer Engagement, Yammer
  • Nick Matthews - Director of Customer Success - EMEA, Yammer
  • Steve Finegan - Head of Business Effectiveness & Communications, Northwards Housing

What to expect on the day:

9:00 - 9:30 - Coffee

9:30 - 9:35 – Welcome

9:35 -10:15 - Who are we and what would we like to get out of today? Round the room individual introductions

10:15 - 10:45 - Re-imagining Work – Dave Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer, Microsoft UK

10:45 – 11:00 - Becoming a Responsive Organisation – Matt Partovi - Worldwide Design Lead - Customer Engagement, Yammer

11:00 – 11:30 - Acting as a Network - Making the UK Government more responsive – Nick Matthews, Director of Customer Success - EMEA, Yammer

BREAK (Coffee)

11:45 – 12:05 Customer Speaker - Steve Finegan - Head of Business Effectiveness & Communications, Northwards Housing

12:05 – 12:20 Social to get stuff done - Demo – Edmund Ovington & Sophie Richardson


13:15 Unconference

  • What is an unconference - how will it work
  • Pitches for holding sessions
  • Sessions across multiple rooms

15:30 – 15:45 – BREAK - Coffee to be served and cupcakes. People can have a drink between session.

15:45 - Collective discussion

  • Sharing the things that struck us most from the unconference sessions
  • What simple things we each might do next

16:25 - 16:30 - Closing remarks

Please sign up here or call to register:0870 166 6670 ref 2363