
North Wales Police deploy Lync to save lives

Through the use of Unified Communications and Microsoft Lync, North Wales Police has been able to dramatically improve their ability to respond to critical incidents and support their local communities. It's also led to a minor revolution in their ways of communicating with other the emergency services.

Here is their experience in their own words from Andy Cunnah, Innovation & Business Development Manager at North Wales Police:

“Responding quickly to incidents is critical to our ability to protect the communities we serve, often needing to coordinate across other emergency services and local authorities. During the recent adverse weather conditions, with Microsoft Lync, we were able to quickly coordinate seventeen different organisations into one meeting. Needing to get everyone physically in one place is not always possible or practical. Lync allows us to conduct meetings online, using audio and video conferencing to connect everyone into the same meeting from different remote locations. This has been a real bonus in our emergency services support and communication with other authorities.”

“By integrating Microsoft Lync with our Cisco telephone system we have been able to make the most of our existing telephony investments as well as provide additional modern communication features such as instant messaging and presence. Staff are able to make and receive calls on their Lync clients which makes working away from the desk far easier. In addition, having the ability to see colleague’s presence has changed the way we communicate leading to less voicemail and email traffic as employees use the instant communication offered by Microsoft Lync.”

Having more effective communications in your organisation is achievable for anyone. Lync’s familiar user design means it needs little training and people love the simple way one can reach out to colleagues everywhere. We’ve seen other customers adopt Lync to run their meetings, meaning they can cut down the amount of travel, saving time and money. In other cases to support remote workers or to run more disparate teams improving team working.

There are a number of our partners actively helping Public Sector organisations today:

North Wales Police are not the only public sector bodies to adopt Lync, below are several case studies that