
Latest agenda for the Worldwide Government Solutions Forum, London (24th-25th April)

It's less than a month to go now until the huge Worldwide Government Solutions Forum in London (24th-25th April). We thought we'd share the latest agenda with you - it's packed full fantastic speakers and chances to do some great networking. Just see for yourself below...
More soon - don't forget, you can register here!

Day 1 – Tuesday April 24th


Arrivals, Lunch, Partner Showcase and Networking


Forum Welcome and Opening Keynote Speeches

The opening session of the forum will include a welcome from Microsoft UK, the hosts of this year’s event plus keynotes on UK government cloud initiatives and a senior market analyst perspective on cloud and technology innovations impacting the future of Government IT.

  • Gordon Frazer - Managing Director UK, VP Microsoft International
  • Niels Soelberg – Vice President, Public Sector, EMEA, Microsoft
  • Liam Maxwell – ICT Futures Programme director - UK Cabinet Office
  • Andrea Di Maio – Vice President and Distinguished Analyst in Gartner Research


Break and Networking


Real Impact for Better Cities - IT as the enabler of the efficient, growing, modern city

With urbanisation increasing across the globe, this session concentrates on how our city based speakers have delivered services across City departments to citizens and business, managed the evolving needs of a City government workforce and made more informed budget and policy decisions.

  • Paul Bevan, Secretary General, EUROCITIES
  • Susan Attard, Deputy Town Clerk, City of London
  • Peter Kommers, City of Utrecht
  • Manel Sanroma, CIO, City of Barcelona
  • Geoff Connell, Divisional Director ICT, London Borough of Newham
  • City of Lisbon


Partner Showcase, Networking and Drinks Reception