
Digital inclusion – 95% of British cattle transactions made online

The panel session on ‘Government Reimagined – The Evidence’ at Civil Service Live provided excellent examples for across central and local government on how different public sector organisations are achieving transformation using ‘digital-by-default’ public services.

Ed Schofield, Information and Technology Director, at the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) shared the fact that 95% of the bovine transactions in the UK are now made online .

Arguably, this is a higher rate of digital inclusion rate than has currently been achieved with the population of the UK which, according to the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics, is running at 86% of adults who have used the Internet.

Ed also provided insightful observations on the journey that the RPA has undertaken to transform the way they work, improve stakeholder satisfaction and encourage greater uptake of services online. He identified three key principles for successful transformation;

  1. Establish internal control and governance consistently across the organisation
  2. Ensure stakeholder engagement in the digital-enablement of business processes
  3. Use technology as the enabler of more efficient services

The RPA is now processing over half (54%) of Single Payment Scheme submissions online and is now one of the higher-ranked paying agency in the EU with 93.4% of payments processed by December and a customer satisfaction that is equivalent to that of John Lewis at 8.7.

The transformation of complex, traditional forms-based business processes to fully digital-by-default services as experienced by the RPA requires careful and considered engagement of employees and stakeholders and delivers results in terms of operational cost-savings and customer satisfaction.

You can view Ed Schofield speaking at the Government Reimagined panel session below...

You can also watch Mark O'Neill talk about the Government Digital Service's role in digital government.