
Unleash your Potential Live Meeting


Hello all. this has gone out via RSS too where you’ll find further details – but wanted to give you the heads up on the blog. Taking place on 15 April 2009 at 4pm, this Live Meeting focuses on the new 'Your Business Solution Road map' tool and how you can use it to produce an implementation roadmap for your customers that merges the world of business process with the right Microsoft Dynamics functionality.

This will enable you to help your customers to:
- Better understand the long-term business objectives
- Align their business objectives with specific process improvements that will help them reach these objectives
- Develop a customised solution that deploys Microsoft Dynamics deeper into their organisation to increase its ability to meet business objectives
- Create a one-to-three-year implementation roadmap tailored to their solution and their unique business needs.

The senior Manager for Customer Marketing at Microsoft will deliver the event. This is applicable to all partners across all products.

Link: Click here to register for this event

Posted By Fee Nolan