
Dynamics AX Roadshows now up on the PLC and available for booking

Hello All,

We’re pleased to say that the Roadshows are now available for registration on the Partner learning centre here.

For the TVP roadshows we have large rooms which is great – so no excuse for people not to attend because they’ve been faced on waiting list. Given the September TVP roadshow is in Chicago 1 (largest presentation room in Reading), please do feel free to invite your friends and relatives (unless I can get a room change). If we remain in Chicago I’ll shout the popcorn for the afternoon!

We’re just in the process of locking down timings – however you can expect sessions on System Centre (recent AX announcements), Attenda talking through managed services, Loki on their UK localised Payroll solution, and a look at the latest from Atlas XL. As usual there will be a business update and the chance to catch up with some old friends and network.

We look forward to seeing you either in Reading or Manchester – starting mid September :0)

Posted By Fee Nolan