
Blockchain Azure samples and resources for building interesting Blockchain projects and solutions

Some interesting samples and solutions which you may find of use for projects around Blockchain These are  just few of many Blockchain related projects at Microsoft.  For others, see https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/topics/blockchain/

Storing Blockchain secrets Microsoft Key Vault

Microsoft Azure Key Vault is a cloud-hosted management service that allows users to encrypt keys and small secrets by using keys that are protected by hardware security modules (HSMs) https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/key-vault/

The following sample code Demo – Uses Azure Key Vault to manage Ethereum keys


End to End Sample


This includes

  • A secure communication library over a queue - For inter micro-services communication
  • An Ethereum node client - For querying, signing and sending transactions and data over the public (and test) Ethereum network
  • Secrets manager for the communication pipeline

Microsoft Office add-in

solution architecture

This allows users to certify and verify documents on the Ethereum Classic and Bitcoin block chains. This method helps users employ the most appropriate, secure method to store both the document and the hash. As a result, enterprise customers who depend on Microsoft Office can now utilize Blockchain technology to confirm the validity of their important Office documents.

Blockchain add in for Office and Outlook - The solution provides document certification (creation of a stamp) and verification (checking a document against a stamp) in Office using the Stampery API and the public Blockchain. https://www.microsoft.com/developerblog/2017/04/10/stampery-blockchain-add-microsoft-office/ the source code is at https://github.com/stampery/office

Using a Private Ethereum Consortium Network to Store and Validate Documents

This solution can also be used as a basis for a similar architecture where there are services that interact with a Private Ethereum Consortium Network and Smart Contracts deployment. You can start by deploying this solution which will save you months of work (if you were to develop it yourself from scratch), then modify it according to your own scenario/needs.

We also encourage you to contribute to this code by adding more functionality and submitting pull requests. see more details at https://www.microsoft.com/developerblog/2018/02/26/using-private-ethereum-consortium-network-store-validate-documents/

Download the source at https://github.com/Azure/blockchain-supply-chain-solution