
Microsoft TechNet Spotlight

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Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Юрий Осипов - Обеспечение безопасной работы удаленных офисов и филиалов

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Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/26/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Бари Муртазин - Построение системы объединенных коммуникаций на базе Office Communications Server 2007 и Exchange Server 2007 SP1

?????? ???????? ???????? ????????? ????????????? ???????????? ??????????? ? ??????? OCS 2007 ?...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/26/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Алексей Галков - Управление документами предприятия в Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

?????????? ??????????? – ???? ?? ?????? ??????? Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. ? ??????...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/26/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Денис Котляров - Технологии обеспечения отказоустойчивости Windows Vista

?????? Windows Reliability ????????????? ?????????? ??? Vista ?????, ??? Reliability Analysis...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/26/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Павел Крылов - Автоматизация административных операций по управлению серверами (Microsoft Provisioning System)

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Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/26/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Алексей Федоров - Вопросы совместимости приложений с Windows Server 2008

??????????????? 10 ???????? ?????? ??????????????? ?????????? ? Windows Vista ? Windows Server ?...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/26/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Владимир Мамыкин - Использование сертифицированных систем в России

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Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/26/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Андрей Бешков - Реализация требуемой политики безопасности рабочих мест

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Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/26/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Эрик Раддер, Биргер Стен - Пленарный доклад

????????? ?????? ?? ???????? ??????????? ????????? 2008. ????? ????? ???????????? Visual Studio 2008...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/26/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Rafal Lukawiecki - Using Data Mining in Your IT Systems (Part 2)

This part of the session explores the exceptions and commonly encountered issues such as seasonality...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/22/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Rafal Lukawiecki - Using Data Mining in Your IT Systems (Part 1)

This session provides an overview of scenarios and cases most commonly encountered by IT...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/22/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Rafal Lukawiecki - Working with Data Mining

You are ready to mine data-what are the steps and what is the recommended order? This session covers...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/22/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Rafal Lukawiecki - Introduction to Data Mining

This session commences with the discussion of the concepts, the terminology used in the discipline...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/22/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Kornél Boros, Nadja Roic - Korištenje Enterprise Single Sign-on u BizTalk Server 2006 okruženju

Korištenje Enterprise Single Sign-on u BizTalk Server 2006 okruženju Enterprise Single Sign-on (SSO)...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Marko Prsic, Zvonimir Mavretic - Elektronička potpora upravljanju dokumentacijom sustava kvalitete (ISO 9001)

Predavanje ce pokazati koje mogucnosti za unaprjedenje u upravljanju dokumentacijom sustava...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Tomislav Lepusic, Zeljko Aras - Kako SCOM može udaljeno upravljati sigurnošću vašeg sustava?

U prvom djelu predavanja biti ce pojašnjena veza izmedu Operatons Managementa i održavanja...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Thorbjoern Zieger - VPN SSL (R)evolution, secure remote access to company resources and confidential data: any time, any place

Demonstration of the next generation Secure Remote Access Control Solution and its capability of...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Denis Jasarevic, Dominik Katic - Controling your environment with ISA and SCOM

IT odjeli tvrtki su pod najvecim pritiskom ikad. Taj pritisak dolazi od korisnika koji žele vecu...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Ratko Stibric, Marin Curavic - System Center Configuration Manager 2007: Čarolija distribucije softvera i upravljanje zakrpama!

Predavanje ce vas upoznati sa novim mogucnostima SCCM 2007 rješenja za distribuciju softvera i...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Davor Perat - System Center Configuration Manager 2007: pregled mogućnosti

Prošlo je 4 godine od kada je izašao Systems Management Server 2003. Danas imamo novu verziju,...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Robert Petrunic - Windows Server 2008: tehnologije koje podižu sigurnost Vaše mreže

Windows server 2008 kuca na vrata, a sa sobom donosi pregršt noviteta koji ce Vam brzo prirasti...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Dominik Katić, Aleksandar Jugovic - Microsoft Forefront - Energy Security i primjer iz prakse

Microsoft Forefront je Microsoftovo poslovno rješenje protiv štetnog sadržaja te pruža zaštitu i...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Marin Frankovic - System Center Essentials

SCE 2007 je novi Microsoftov alat koji je specijalno razvijen za male i srednje velike tvrtke (do 30...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Davor Vajtner, Goran Zadravec - System Center Service Manager

U današnjim enterprise okruženjima Service Desk služi kao glavni interface izmedu IT odjela i...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Sven Hölbling - Microsoft Certificate Lifecycle Manager 2007: Implementacija identifikacijske smart kartice

Govoriti cemo kako se koriste identifikacijske kartice, na što trebate paziti prilikom...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Marko Ugrin, Ivan Turk - Intelligent Application Gateway 2007

Pokriti cemo problematiku tradicionalnih nacina udaljenog pristupa resursima korporacijske mreže, te...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Steve Riley - It's 11:00 P.M., Do You Know Where Your Data Is?

"Long gone are the days when you knew your data was safe because it resided only in your data...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Mike Todd - Business Service Management and ITIL v3

"Business Service Management"? Introductory session dealing with managing IT services. Learn about...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Steve Riley - Fortified data center in your future: Build it now and they will come

Relax for a moment. Let your mind wander to thoughts of your corporate network-with its myriad...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/17/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Pierre Lagarde - Quoi de neuf dans VS 2008 pour les développements Web, et Exposition de Services en .NET Fx 3.5 ?

Dans cette session, nous aborderons les nouveautés qu'apporte le framework 3.5 pour faciliter...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - AFUP - PHP sur plate-forme Microsoft

Après une courte présentation de la communauté PHP française et de l'outil WAMP par son auteur, nous...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Cyril Giacopino - Découverte de Silverlight 1.0 et des outils Expression

Microsoft Silverlight est la nouvelle technologie client de présentation pour les applications Web...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Fabrice Meillon, Christophe Dubos - Virtualisation de serveurs avec Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V

La virtualisation de serveurs de part les bénéfices économiques et techniques que sa mise en œuvre...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Bernard Ourghanlian - Les nouveautés du noyau de Windows Server 2008

L'objectif de cette session est présenter les principales nouveautés du noyau de Windows Server...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Eric Vernié, Hervé Chapalain - Déboguer avec Visual Studio 2008

En tant que développeur, nous avons tous les jours à déboguer notre code. Mais êtes-vous sûr de...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Eric Le Loc'h - Présentation de Visual Studio Team System 2008

Cette session présente de manière générale Visual Studio Team System et des nouveautés de l'édition...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Thomas Lebrun - Introduction à Windows Presentation Foundation

Windows Presentation Foundation est la nouvelle technologie de développement d'interface du...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Eric Boustouller, Bernard Ourghanlian - Plénière Jour 3, les tendances technologiques

Au-delà de l'actualité produit, cette session présente l'état de l'art technologique et se projette...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Laurent Delaporte, Alfonso Castro - Plénière Jour 2 pour les professionnels de l’Informatique

Cette plénière est consacrée au lancement de Windows Server 2008 et SQL Server 2008. Les nouveautés...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Marc Jalabert - Plénière Jour 1 pour les développeurs

Visual Studio 2008, Linq, Astoria, Silverlight, PHP, SQL 2008... Toutes ces stars ont gentiment...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Laurent Bonnet - Windows Server 2008 et IIS 7.0: venez chasser les mythes !

Dans cette session construite sur une succession de démonstrations, vous verrez comment la...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Jérôme Mombelli - Haute disponibilité avec Windows Server 2008

Les services de cluster de basculement offrent une solution de haute disponibilité afin d’assurer...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Christophe Dubos - Stratégies d’administration locale et distante avec Windows Server 2008 : outils et configuration

A nouvelle version de Windows Server nouveaux outils d'administration - de l'installation à...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Mathieu Rospide, Cédric Del Nibbio - Reporting d'entreprise avec Reporting Services 2008

Microsoft Reporting Services 2008 (SSRS) est la dernière version de la solution de reporting...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Romuald Coutaud, Sebastien Madar - Découverte d'Analysis Services 2008

Analysis Services est le serveur d'analyses OLAP livré avec SQL Server. Cette session illustre en...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Patrick Guimonet - Présentation générale de SQL Server 2008

Cette session présente l'ensemble des améliorations et nouveautés apportées par Microsoft SQL Server...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/12/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - George J. Capnias - Building Next Generation Web applications

A demonstration of how Visual Studio 2008 enables developers and IT operators to dramatically reduce...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/08/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Nikos Makris - Language Integrated Query (LINQ) in Visual Studio 2008

This session explores LINQ technology and its design goals. Learn about LINQ “flavors” &...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/08/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Daniel Moth - Building Smart Clients with Visual Studio 2008

This session introduces the new features and improvements incorporated into Visual Studio 2008 for...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/08/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Eleni Rachaniotou - Visual Studio 2008 Overview

Explore the new Visual Studio 2008 features, from language enhancements, improved designers, Web and...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/08/2008

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