
Download an e-mail checklist

Regardless of why you send e-mail—be it to kick off a big project or to ask party guests to RSPV—you want people to read and act on your message. But in the rush of getting everything done at work and at home, it’s easy to leave out important details in the message. The result: We don’t always get the exact responses we want. It’s pretty deflating (and a waste of time) to get more questions than responses to your e-mail.

I downloaded an e-mail checklist a couple of months ago and keep it by my desk. It reminds me of some key elements to check before I send important e-mail. I look at it a couple times and week and I’ve found it to be really helpful. Try it and see what you think.

Additional articles about composing good e-mail messages

--Jason Kozleski


  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2007
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