
3 easy ways to share digital photos

With summer coming to a close, you might have a lot of digital photos from your vacation saved on your computer or camera. For tips and suggestions on how to share those pictures with friends and family, read how to share your digital photos. We’ve gotten good response on the article, but the feedback also shows that a lot of people are having some common issues with sharing their digital images. There’s a revamped digital photography section on the Windows XP site. It includes some articles that can help solve some of these issues:

  1. Send digital photos by e-mail
  2. Create an online photo album
  3. Archive your photos on a CD

I’ve tried several ways to share my digital pictures, and I’ve found MSN Spaces to be the easiest way to send them to my family. Within 15 minutes, I was able to create a family Web site, post pictures online, and send the link to my family. This gives me a lasting way to share pictures and saves the trouble of resizing the images and mailing them to everyone.

Jason Kozleski
