
The 9z, by Chris Davis

An Active Directory, Windows Platform, Performance troubleshooting (and anything else interesting I run across) BLOG.

Full Copy of Expression Stops at 10 Minutes

https://youtu.be/ykkPI1DkrLg Chris Davis, Premier Field Engineer from Microsoft discusses an issue...

Author: BigDaddy9z Date: 03/10/2013

What's New in Windows Server 2012, Episode 3: Server Manager - Local Server Mgmt

https://youtu.be/RkTIHVhtsXs In this episode I show off the new Server Manager and how to use it. In...

Author: BigDaddy9z Date: 03/09/2013

What's New In Windows Server 2012, Episode 2: Changes To Startup and Recovery

https://youtu.be/uKssm_akXuA In this video we continue the What’s New In Windows Server 2012 to...

Author: BigDaddy9z Date: 03/08/2013

SkyDrive Desktop App & Office 2013 Don't Get Along! (for me anyway)

https://youtu.be/edeXqKHaloc In this video, I’ll talk about an issue that is starting to pop up for...

Author: BigDaddy9z Date: 03/08/2013

Force Nokia Lumia 7.8 Update

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM81IEdbjUU In this video I will show you how to update your...

Author: BigDaddy9z Date: 03/07/2013

What’s New in Windows Server 2012, Episode 1: GUI Options

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMWkDuDSA1o In this video I cover some of the new options available...

Author: BigDaddy9z Date: 03/07/2013

Changing Venues…

So I’m finding that more and more people are actually finding their solutions in blogs, and more in...

Author: BigDaddy9z Date: 03/07/2013

ForestDNSZones or DomainDNSZones FSMO says “The role owner attribute could not be read”

This came up recently at a customer site. I was looking for the script that fixes this (remembering...

Author: BigDaddy9z Date: 12/20/2011

Perfmon Blackbox… more better :)

During a recent workshop in southern California I promised my students that I would update an old...

Author: BigDaddy9z Date: 12/06/2011

Put a BlackBox (Black Box) on your server!

So something I've been recommending to my customers for a while is to have the equivalent of an in...

Author: BigDaddy9z Date: 05/17/2011

RemoveReplicaFromPFRecursive.ps1 returns "There is no existing PublicFolder that matches the following identity"

I was trying to retire my SBS 2008 box after migrating to SBS 2011 and I couldn't uninstall Exchange...

Author: BigDaddy9z Date: 05/17/2011
