
Featured Aussie Startup CaterXpress making noise in the US!

I love it when one of our local startups gets our US counterparts excited – and this one makes me imageparticularly proud as Anthony & the team at FoodStorm with their product CaterXpress were one of our earliest adopters of the Azure Cloud Computing platform – and they haven’t looked back since!


If you haven’t yet checked out CaterXpress, their software, FoodStorm, is a web app that helps people in catering; food manufacturing and distribution manage their food orders from placement to delivery. FoodStorm tracks customer orders, creates production and delivery reports, sends invoices, manages stock and much more.


I also have to agree with Anthony’s advice for startups when he was asked what his biggest “aha” moment since founding the company? “The most profound thing I’ve learnt running a small company is to always consider your own quality of life in every decision you make. You need to rule your business, don’t let it rule you. If you have a business that makes you happy, ultimately you will build great things and delight your customers while you’re at it.”image


You can check out his answers to this and more of the questions as seen in these snapshots here featured on the BizSpark Blog, on Facebook or even more coverage in this snapshot here from techMeme!

Well Done guys!