
How will I keep up with everything?! Try RSS/Atom aggregators

Do you spend too much time trying to figure out what's new on your favorite web sites and Blogs? RSS/Atom aggregators track it all and bring the web pages to you. Now you can read more and search less. These RSS/Atom aggregators take a diverse spectrum of Community, technical and news resources such as Blogs, Newsgroups, etc. and put them in one place.  

No more wandering around looking for Mike Hall’s blog (https://blogs.msdn.com/mikehall/) , that great CE Test blog, Test Embedded (https://blogs.msdn.com/TestEmbedded/), or trying to keep up with Microsoft Windows MED Community Goings-On (https://blogs.msdn.com/nwhite/), tech news like Wired News or Slashdot, Newsgroups like microsoft.beta.yamazaki.tools , on and on.  

Below are just a few suggestions of these types of aggregators:  

NewsGator: NewsGator Online also includes synchronizationwith Outlook Edition, viewing content on TV with Media Center Edition, as well as the publication of blogrolls and headlines. https://www.newsgator.com/ngs/default.aspx   

- RSS Bandit: an RSS/Atom aggregator (also known as an RSS Reader) for your desktop written with the .NET Framework. https://www.rssbandit.org/  

- SharpReader is an RSS/Atom Aggregator for Windows. https://www.sharpreader.net/  

And if one of those does not fit your needs, here is a huge list of news aggregators From Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_news_aggregators

Don Gambrell
