
People and Comments Drive the Internet Revolution

Here is an interesting article from FAST Company where they talk about the growing importance of community feedback and web 2.0 discussion mechanisms.  Microsoft needs to start considering how it will not only replicate this type of interaction on our properties at massive scale but also to think about how to integrate with the entrenched comment driven communities like Digg, Reddit, and Facebook.

I found the last paragraph very enlightening as I totally understand the potential that Reddit sees in allowing their technology to be used as a Web 2.0 type forum.

"There's a core group of Reddit users that are submitting and editing," says Alexis Ohanian, Reddit's 25-year-old co-founder. "But some point we're going to hit the ceiling of nerds on the Internet who want to share cool, geeky stories. It's depressing, but we know that we will." So to keep the 3-year-old site growing at a brisk pace, the Reddit team--which says it receives about 4.3 million unique hits per month--recently announced a new function on the site that will allow users to create Reddits for their own online communities.”

Check the article out!