
Live At BETT 2008 - Day 1

Hello Everyone,

For the next three days I will be talking with customers at the Microsoft booth.  For those that do not know what BETT is, it is the largest Education-focused tradeshow in the UK.  There are a lot of exciting technologies on showcase here so I want to share parts of the event as well as interesting questions I'll encounter throughout the day.

Random Interesting Questions

Q: In Vista, have you removed the "send to my pictures" or "copy to" wizard completely?

A: By default, it is not visible, why I am not sure but here is a quick fix that can be applied individually or via a script

go to:"C:\Users\[username] \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo" and simply copy the "Pictures" shortcut into that folder. VIOLA! you have this.


Q: We currently use network share and Windows Desktop Search on XP to improve search habits at our school.  We've been thinking about Google Mini.  Does Microsoft have anything similar?

A: Actually yes! With many schools already making significant investment in SharePoint 2007, it makes perfect sense to deploy SharePoint 2007 with Search.  If your organization is not ready to make big commitments, Search Server 2008 Express is a product that is currently available as a "Release Candidate."  The best thing about Search Server 2008 Express is that we don't arbitrarily cap the number of documents you can index AND did I mention it's free?

Technology Buzz Around Microsoft
