
*CORRECTION* Vista Search Annoyance

homer's brain

I received some emails regarding my article on a Vista Search bug.  The article stated that the bug would be fixed in SP1, but it was unclear on what settings would change. 

The original article read,

"As it turns outs, the quick fix was to change the start menu settings so that the search bar is set to "search entire index" instead of the default "search this user's files."  The problem arises due to the user changing the "indexed locations" to include all of the "C:" when the Start Menu is set to "search this user's files. "  This is a known bug and will be fixed in Vista SP1."

To clarify:

SP1 will address search results in the Start Menu when the user has selected the entire drive for indexing. SP1 will not change the default scope of the search function. It will still be set to “search user’s file" in the Start Menu settings.

-- VT