SharePoint Portal 2003 : Error Table does not exist while performing profile import
When we navigate to Manage Profile Database under Site settings of the portal site https://SharePoint2003 and initiate a profile import we get the following error message
Table does not exist
This can happen when the synchronization between the Job/Index server and the farm may have been lost
From SharePoint Central Administration navigate to SharePoint Portal Server --> Configure Portal Topology and then removed Search , Job & Index role from the server
Warning: Search won't return any results as performing the above step would delete the local indexes.
Update the farm account information one at a time from SharePoint Central Administration --> SharePoint Portal Server --> Configure Farm Account Settings
After successfully updating the farm account settings navigate back to SharePoint Central Administration --> SharePoint Portal Server --> Configure Farm Topology and then assign the following roles back Search, Index and Job role to the server
Perform a full profile import:
Browse to the portal site https://SharePoint2003 --> Click on "Site Settings" --> Click on "Manage Profile Database" --> Click on "Start Full Import"
PS. For the search to return results Initiate a Full Crawl on the Portal Content and then Non-Portal Content