
WSUS File Size Limit for Locally Published Updates (en-US)

InfoButtonHere’s one more article on WSUS that I found over on our TechNet Wiki page today. This one describes and issue where publishing an update larger than 2GB in size will fail:

Consider a scenario where the following tasks are performed in WSUS running on Windows Server “8” Beta:

- The WSUS API is used to create and publish custom updates, applications, and device drivers – a locally published update.
- The SoftwareDistributionPackage class is used to author a package
- The IPublisher interface is used to publish the package to a WSUS server
- The total size of the package exceeds 2047 MB
- The PublishPackage method is used to create a CAB file for the package and to publish the package on the WSUS server

The expected result is that the package is published on the WSUS server. However, the PublishPackage method will fail to create the CAB file.

You can read the rest of the article here.

J.C. Hornbeck | System Center & Security Knowledge Engineer

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