
Fashion line using Microsoft Tag to interact

[image credit: mobilemarketer]

Sam Sethi pointed me to this story on Mashable today about a fashion company using Microsoft Tag to make their clothes interactive. Designer Rachel Roy has added Tag to her latest capsule collection for Macy’s (whatever a capsule collection is).

Using your mobile to scan the tag pulls up a short video (example) that gives more detail behind the product.

There’s a ton of potential here. Imagine is every soccer shirt Nike or Adidas sold had a Tag and when you clicked on it, you got the latest goals of that team or latest news from the club. Or how about IKEA putting tags on their gear so when you’re sat there with a bunch of wooden bits and no clue what to do next, you click on the image and it knows what part you have and plays a short video (with Swedish accent of course) explaining how to put the furniture together.

I’m writing another post at the moment about Burger King’s use of Tag in conjunction with Xbox Kinect. It’s the future I tell ya!
