
SQL Server Support Lifetimes / Customer Actions

This communication answers customer and field questions regarding timeframes for SQL Server support, as well as options available to customers, as of 7/11/2007. Any previous SQL Server versions not listed below, have been and remain out of technical support.


First, some terminology clarifications.


Mainstream Support:

Technical Support through Microsoft Customer Support Services. This includes Hotfix Support and Security Update Support.


Extended Support:

Technical Support through Microsoft Customer Support Services. This includes Security Update Support only. No non-security hotfixes will be offered without extended / custom support agreements.


Mainstream support for SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) and Mainstream support for SQL Server 2005 SP1 will both end on April 8, 2008. Microsoft will continue technical support for these versions, which also includes security updates for these Service Packs. Microsoft is ending Mainstream support for these products as part of our Service Pack support policy, found https://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle .


Customers are encouraged to prepare and execute on their upgrade plans as early as possible for two versions going out of Mainstream (hotfix) support on 4/8/2008

                SQL Server 2000 SP4

                SQL Server 2005 SP1


Remaining current on your service pack installation ensures that your products remain supported per the Support Lifecycle policy. Additionally, your software benefits from the many enhancements, fixes, and security updates provided through the latest service pack.


Microsoft is offering Custom Support for companies that have not had a chance to migrate, but wish to maintain their existing IT environment while they migrate to a supported product. If you would like further information on Custom Support please contact your Technical Account Manager or Account Representative for additional details. Custom and extended support is currently offered for:

                SQL Server 2000 SP3a

                SQL Server 2000 SP4


Below is a more detailed table listing versions in or close to end of the support cycle, together with possible options / actions.





Mainstream Support End Date

Extended Support End Date

Options / Notes

SQL Server





See previous blog; Technical support ends as of 7/10/2007; options after this date:

ð Continue with self-help

ð Upgrade to SQL Server 2005 SP1 or SP2

ð Custom support agreement

SQL Server





Technical support continues till 4/9/2013, yet mainstream (hotfix) support ends as of 4/8/2008; options for hotfix support after 4/8/2008:

ð Upgrade to SQL Server 2005 SP1 or SP2

ð Purchase extended support agreement

ð Customers are encouraged to prepare and execute on their upgrade plans as early as possible

SQL Server





Technical support ends as of 7/10/2007; options for technical and/or mainstream (hotfix) support after this date:

ð Continue with self-help

ð Upgrade to SQL Server 2005 SP1 or SP2

ð No custom or extended support offerings are planned at this time; customers should work with their TAMs for custom support needs.

SQL Server




Not Applicable

Support ends either 12 or 24 months after the next service pack releases or at the end of the product's support lifecycle, whichever comes first. Visit the Lifecycle page to find the support

SQL Server



Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Support ends either 12 or 24 months after the next service pack releases or at the end of the product's support lifecycle, whichever comes first. Visit the Lifecycle page to find the support timelines for your particular product.






  • Anonymous
    July 11, 2007
    This communication answers customer and field questions regarding timeframes for SQL Server support,

  • Anonymous
    July 13, 2007
    This communication answers customer and field questions regarding timeframes for SQL Server support,

  • Anonymous
    February 14, 2008
    We would like to remind all customers that Mainstream support for SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4)

  • Anonymous
    February 08, 2011
    What is the phone number for a Technical Account Manager?

  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2011
    Does this mean that for regular support like database got corrupt or qurey performance issues or assistance in applying patches etc we need to buy the extended support oe we can open the case with CSS till 2013 ..

  • Anonymous
    June 19, 2011
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 19, 2011
    my mail is amansoobian@yahoo.com,thanks if somebody can help me.