
Azure Machine Learning Overview at Big Data Meetup


Thank you to the attendees who made it on the Tuesday night, it was great to meet you and get so much positive feedback about Azure ML. Please make sure you sign up for the FREE Developer account on www.azure.com/ml. I have had several requests for the deck, you can download it at the following link - https://1drv.ms/1pouawP

Hope to see lots of your models on the ML Marketplace. Also below are links to resources:

•Getting started with Azure ML on MVA - https://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/training-courses/getting-started-with-microsoft-azure-machine-learning

•Machine Learning Blog - https://blogs.technet.com/b/machinelearning/

•Azure ML – www.azure.com/ml

•Azure ML Excel Add-in - http://azuremlexcel.codeplex.com/releases/view/127633

If you are in town (Sydney, Australia) next Tuesday 18th November, please join to get an overview of Azure Machine Learning and see how you can make your data work for you.

See https://t.co/DvQzLnLiHZ for the details.
